Day 40: Kadoka, SD to Wall, SD

Today’s ride was dedicated to a patient at the Avera Cancer Center. When we went to go tour the center, we passed by the radiation center and saw that it was occupied with a patient. We do not know the struggle of cancer treatment firsthand, but biked today with that patient and their courage in mind.Today was a really exciting day - our first National Park! We had a 57 mile day that took us about 12 hours because we were exploring the Badlands. The Badlands were truly a sight to see, one that most of the team had never seen before, and many did not know what to expect at all. It was a really hot day but that did not stop us from climbing out on some ledges and seeing some of the most incredibly views in the country. We also got to feed some prairie dogs and see horned sheep, bison, and antelope in the distance. There are no words to describe the view, and the million photos that we took will never truly capture it either.After a long and hot day, we are so blessed to be staying at the First Lutheran Church in Wall. The pastor arranged for us to have warm showers at the neighboring gym, and also put together a hot meal of different pastas, bread, and cookies! It felt amazing to wash the dirt and layer of sunscreen off and then eat a homemade meal. We also had the chance to explore Wall Drug, seemingly one of the most popular tourist attractions in all of South Dakota. We have been seeing signs for this Wall Drug since entering the state. Apparently, back in the Great Depression era, Wall Drug needed a way to produce income for their store to stay open. They started offering free ice water to those passing by, which brought quite a crowd to their store. Eventually, they grew and grew and now are not only a drug store, but a shoe store, cafe, bakery, and entertainment center. It was cool to see that attraction for a little bit this evening!Mike gets a huge rider shout-out today. We had a lot going on today and at times it felt a little stressful. Mike always had a smile on his face and was there to remind everyone to enjoy the day and make the most out of anything. We all really appreciate his attitude each and every day - he is a great ride leader and is helping us create the best memories to look back on our I4K experience.