Day 38 & 39: Pierre, SD to Kadoka, SD

Yesterday was our rest day in Pierre, and we had a really lovely time! Pierre is the capital of South Dakota, and has a small town feel that was really welcoming and familiar. We spread out and did a bunch of different things: some went to brunch or to get coffee, others got more ice cream from Zesto, and some went exploring around town. In the meantime, we were able to shower and do laundry thanks once again to our stayover! Our host Jay also organized an event for us where we were able to go into the Avera Cancer Center to see the beautiful facility that they have been able to fundraise for and build. We have seen a couple of cancer facilities, and this one was special because of its rural location. Before this new cancer center, patients needing treatment would have to travel hours away, which for some is impossible. This hospital allows patients to access high-quality healthcare in their own town, which is amazing and was so special to see up close. Jay also hosted a bonfire for us in the evening and showed us around Pierre! We are thankful for him and his hospitality.Today’s ride was dedicated to a good friend of Steven’s aunt. She has very recently been diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy treatment. It is a pretty devastating diagnosis and we are keeping her and her loved ones in our thoughts.We had a pretty long ride today, not quite a century, but 96 miles. We officially crossed into mountain time zone and went through lots of areas where it was only grass and a few head of cattle - no humans or buildings in sight. It was the first day that actually got hot for a majority of the day. We definitely need to get used to it as we head further west into the badlands and national parks! Along that line, myself and the team want to give everyone a sufficient heads up that over the next couple of weeks, we will be heading into areas that might not have any cell phone service. Any place on our route that says NP for National Park, or SP for State Park, or honestly anywhere from here to about Oregon might be patchy with service. I will be updating the blog as often and as soon as I can - but don’t worry if it is a day or two late at times!Today’s rider shout-out goes to Kirby! Kirby does an amazing job running our social media accounts, which give photo updates about each day and are really fun to see. Kirby has also been incredibly helpful lately in the morning because he packs so quickly, and then helps others with their chores to make the day go faster.Today was day 39 which means our ride is officially halfway over. We had some cake to celebrate even though it is a halfway sad event! We have come so far in the last 39 days and are excited for the next 39 we have ahead of us.