Day 68 - update

Hello world!Today was a fantaaaastic day! We went into the day knowing that almost the whole day was downhill. There was one baby climb in the beginning and after that, it was full speed ahead.The downhill out of our camping site in Crater Lake was awesome. I was with a core group of peeps that all had the same mentality... to fly. It was a super long downhill and was SO pretty. Words don’t do it justice.We averaged 19 mph the whole day and about 27 mph on the downhills. With that, we finished 90 miles in 5 hours (not including rest stops)... pretty crazy if ya ask me!My favorite part of the day was coming back from the showers and seeing my family in the church parking lot!!!! Y’all heard it right, cousins Katha, Gabs, and Grace and the cute kiddos, Leo and Oliver were there to see me!Katha was so so so sweet and treated us to an awesome dinner. If you’re ever in the Medford area and are craving a good burger, go to Common Block Brewery. It won’t disappoint!We headed back to the crib which was so fun to see! I even got to sleep in a bed and that almost bright a tear to my eye. I slept like a baby... silky sheets go a long way folks.When the babies headed to bed, Gabbi took Grace and I to her neck of the woods in Ashland, OR, about 15-20 min from Medford. The town is super cute and I can see why Gabs loves living there. It totally fits her vibe and she is straight up thriving out there.Grace, Katha, Oscar and I all stayed up late chattin about the trip, our fam, and everything under the sun. It was much needed fam time. The perfect refreshment to keep me goin for the last 7 days.Speaking of family, I decided to dedicate the ride to my cousin Karen Conway who overcame Ovarian Cancer. Her positive outlook on life got her through the tough stuff and she is such an inspiring woman. Power to ya Karen. You are one amazing person and I hope to be as strong as you one day!Stay tuned for day 70. Sorry I’m still playing catch up.Marge