Day 67 - update

Hello world!The no service days are so bittersweet! You love to be disconnected from the world and just enjoy everything around you at all times, but at the same time you wanna let everyone know you’re stil alive hahahDay 67 was a day that nearly everyone on our team had looked forward to all trip... The great and mighty Crater Lake! Getting there was a little hairy on the bike with the climbing, heavy traffic, and wildfires.Holy smokes Batman... literally. Smoke was everywhereeee! It was especially bad biking miles 20-40 as we made it to the entrance of the park. Thankfully it cleared up though as we had the second big climb of the day ahead of us. It was nice to know what breathing fresh air felt like again :)In my opinion, the climb up to the top of the lake was the hardest climb for me the entire trip. My muscles sadly were still fatigued from the hike and the climb was just difficult in general. No lie, no lie, no lie, I cried when I got to the top. It felt so good to be done and see such a rewarding view at the top... and knowing that the rest of the day was all downhill from there!Speaking of the downhill... it was one of my favorites all trip. It was a fairly long downhill with many sharp turns and a couple steep parts too. I felt like a pro cyclist whipping around bend after bend and hugging the white line on the road. It was rad and we were keeping up with the speed of traffic so that was sick.When we got to the camp site, we roasted dogs for din, and hung out around the camp fire. A few of us brave souls stayed up to see the stars come out and play, but it ended up being too cloudy :( I think we’ll have better luck when we camp in Redwoods so I look forward to that.Day 68 update comin at ya in just a few!Marge