cold wet and dirty in that order.

Today was supposed to be a beautiful day. Nice flat to rollin terrain. Deacent weather. Alas, what we were treated to was more along the lines of a cyclocross race.

Today was supposed to be a nice 70 mile day with nice roads and little chance of cues being wrong. but little did we know what we were in for. The temperature was perect the wind was calm. the terrain was awesome. the weather...was well wet.  The group i rode with today consisted of Clinton, Zern. Conor and myself. we rode prettyhard for the most of the day until we came across the gravel roads. not sure what to do, we chose the best option at hand I-90. after a five mile stretch on the interstate we arrived in Chamberlain. where wefound hat once we stopped spinning our legs like madmen we got really cold really quickly. all in all it was a solid day of riding. cant wait for another go tomorrow.