Beware of Dogs

So my updates that were supposed to happen promptly...did not. Since my last blog, I hit a dog, others crashed, Matt Cady got a pseudo mullet (which is currently being transformed into a legitimate mullet by Tim), and we had a rest day.

I hit a dog while riding my bike and It sounds just as ridiculous as it was. I have some cuts and bruises, and a heightened fear of dogs on the road, but both the dog and I pulled through.
The next day Caroline's front wheel kissed Christine's back wheel and they crashed, but luckily met an emt on the road who cleaned their cuts. The day after that Tim crashed and also met an emt on the road... Coincidence? I think not. They are definitely following us around, and I think we are getting the most out of this relationship.
The mullet explains itself and I'm sure photos will be updated in the near future. But as dashing as Matt is, he won't have anything on the Jan Yourist mullet.
On the rest day we saw some crazy machinery at a Cancer Center and i gained a better understanding of how radiation therapy works. The hospital we visited in Mitchell had a machine that cost a million dollars which is pretty incomprehensible to me. Our guide also told us that a machine like that had a life span of about 8 years before it became technologically obsolete and in need of replacement. Their last machine was donated to a hospital in Brazil which seemed pretty cool. After our hospital visit there wasn't much to do. Mitchell's claim to fame is the Corn Palace, and I would have rather visited the grocery store for a third time than admire corny murals.
Anyway, I was glad to get back on the road today, especially because it rained which meant  a lesser threat of dogs on the road and I got to test out my new (actually waterproof) jacket. The night was then topped off with several rounds of boggle and tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. ~Sigh~