The Campaign of Hope

The war against cancer has many fronts, and our commitment to this fight in the past included providing funds for research and fostering hope through our Bike America ride and our Portraits Project.  In 2009, we have decided to also commit to another side of this battle. 

We will be designating a portion of the proceeds of our ride to the American Cancer Society's Campaign of Hope to be tripled in a match by two charitable foundations.  The Campaign of Hope is an initiative that supports the American Cancer Society’s Patient Navigation Services program.  Patient Navigation Services is a suite of free, hands-on services that provide cancer patients and caregivers with medical information and resources, helpful day-to-day assistance and emotional support for every step of their cancer journey. All of this is possible because of the generous donors and volunteers of the American Cancer Society.

We did not make this decision lightly, but in the end considered it an opportunity that we could not pass up:  A challenge grant from the Coleman Foundation will match half of our contribution.  This in turn will be matched dollar-for-dollar by The Duchossois Family Foundation.  A minimum contribution of $1,000 will thus be tripled, becoming $3,000.  This generous grant matching program only lasts through 2009.

Cancer is not in recession.  This economic climate has more cancer patients than ever turning to the ACS for help, and findings suggest that the sooner it connects patients with its services after a cancer diagnosis, the better the outcome.  We believe that our participation in the Campaign of Hope will have a significant impact in the lives of cancer patients and that it will not diminish the impact of our contribution to the ACS's research fund and Camp Kesem.