hills hills and more hills

So I'm a little behind on blogging, but I'll catch you up! New York was delightful I was super excited because I hadn't been to the city before! And the ride out from central park wasn't too bad! Although I am amazed at how many dead possums I've seen on the road. But now that we're into the hills the rides are so much more difficult. I definetly had some difficult times, but my awesome teammates helped me through it! I'm already on my third flat, but I still haven't fallen which is pretty amazing considering how clumsy I am!! We also rode on some crazy bike paths. One was going into Philly and the other into DC. Whoever thought putting cobblestone on a bike path was a smart idea didn't know what they were talking about! Today we got into washington DC and I still can't believe it! Tomorrow when I see the Lincoln Memorial there's a 100% chance that I'll be thinking of Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith goes to Washington. I'm super pumped and can't wait to see more!!!

Thanks for all the support!!!!!!!!

Sarah :)