Ready, Set, Ride

What a summer. Unfortunately this is my first time posting about the summer, but I assure many posts to follow.It's hard to sum up how things have gone so far, simply because it has been overwhelming. Everyday there are a myriad of new experiences that challenge and reward us. I can easily say that the last two and a half weeks have felt more like a month and a half.It's becoming exceedingly apparent that this trip is not a mere vacation, it is a way of life. I would liken it to being a nomad moving from place to place relying on the generosity of others for shelter, food, etc. The one activity that becomes our main priority is biking, which is strange when you think about it. Most people work or volunteer to earn validation in society, but now, for us, biking has become that source of validation. I guess the one thing that we have to offer is perseverance and thats something worth passing on. Everyday I try to think of the people who are going through physical and mental hardship from their ailments, and I think of lending my strength to them just as they may lend their strength to me. Knowing that there are those people out there, makes climbing the monstrous hill ahead that much easier.We're currently in Homewood, a southern suburb of Chicago. I'm can't wait to see the family whom have supported me throughout this process as we ride into millennium park tomorrow morning. It will be a brief homecoming, but one well earned. This trip has been incredible so far, and I have no idea what the future may hold.Random moments:-Reapplying sunscreen at lunch only to find that the sunscreen has mixed with salty sweat already on my skin, peanut-butter from lunch and dirt from the road.-Every shower I take is the best shower of my life. (except when lights in the bathroom are controlled by motion sensor and I have to stick my arm out of the shower and flail about every minute so that I can bathe in the light.)-Waking up at 4:30am to run inside with sleeping bag/pad because of unexpected rain storms.-Only getting flats when its raining outside (changing a tube with numb hands is very difficult!)-Icy Hot and Ibuprofin help me through a lot of days, I think I deserve a sponsorship.Thanks for reading. blog you soon.