Over 1,000 Miles

As a team, we have gone through 11 states and ridden over 1,200 miles. I can't believe how far we've come in such a short period of time. Today, we rolled into Homewood, Illinois just getting over 60 miles in the day. Faith Lutheran Church provided us with a wonderful dinner that stuffed the team to its seams. Later on, most of the team headed to rider Jesse's house where his family and neighbors threw a big bash. There was tons more food that we all indulged in and it was nice to be in a real home again since the team has been rolling through towns we don't know and resting in churches we've never been too.

Rolling through Urbana yesterday was great and surreal at the same time. It's strange to think that it was probably the last time the whole team will be together on campus. It was also a huge landmark to jump in the fountain holding hands as a team.

Tomorrow we ride into Chicago and I am so excited to see everyone there. It's going to be another landmark on this ride; we'll be about a third of the way through the ride. We still have way more to see and ride in the coming weeks and I can't wait for it.