Day 8 - There's the Mountains!!

Boonsboro, MD to Everett, PA.  Today we rode another 80 mile day into Everett, but we were in the first group, and missed a turn, so our group of riders did an extra 10 miles to make it a 90-mile day, which was not very fun.  The ride was incredibly beautiful, and I got a ton of pictures and a few videos too( ), but the hills were killer, and i think we can now officially start classifying them as mountains.  We also stopped in a Dairy Queen at about mile 70, and met Chuck, who asked us what we were doing, and donated to our cause, which we really appreciate, so thanks a ton Chuck!!  People in Pennsylvania have been great so far, everyone is interested in what we are doing and wants to help us out.  So far, PA is giving Maryland a run for its money in both ride beauty AND awesome people! 

Tonight we are staying at the United Methodist Church in Everett, and the awesome people here made us a delicious dinner and we have carpets on the floors AND we have two showers, so tonight's sleeping arrangements will be especially comfortable.  People like these make our trip so much better and more fun to be on. 

I am slowly realizing that having to ride more miles does not mean that the ride will be easier.  Our 40-mile day was really easy, and all of these 80-mile days are straight through the Pennsylvania mountains, which means they are great and beautiful for half of them and awful and exhausting for the other half.  Tomorrow is another 80-mile mountain day to Mt. Pleasant.

States traveled through:7(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA)
Distance today: 90 mi
Total Distance traveled: 522 mi
Interesting Animals: The smallest baby deer I have ever seen, 1 groundhog(Punksitawny Phil??)