Day 7 - Food Lion...Food Lion!!

DC to Boonsboro, MD.  This morning, we rode from Matt's friend Ben's place in Arlington to meet up with the group for the day's mosher speech.  During Christa's speech, we met the I4K T-Rex, which is now our official mascot.  I will be posting pictures soon, I'm sure you all will love him.  Today's ride was not too exciting, we rode an easy route from DC to Boonsboro, but the only problem was that for the first 40 miles of the ride, we were riding in freezing rain, and no one was prepared for the cold, so we were all pretty miserable.  When we finally got to lunch, and the van caught up with us, I dug through my bag and found my underarmor and was much warmer for the rest of the ride.  The ride through Maryland was very beautiful, I am leaning towards saying that so far, Maryland is challenging Pennsylvania as my favorite state so far just since its so pretty and the people are so nice as well.  Tonight, we are staying at the St. Marks Church just outside Boonsboro MD, right near Antietam, which if I am not mistaken, is the site of the bloodiest day in American history, an especially brutal battle during the Civil War. Tomorrow we ride to Everett, PA, so we are hoping for minimal hills and as little rain as possible.

States traveled through:7(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA)
Distance today: 80 mi
Total Distance traveled: 432 mi