Illini 4000

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Edward Guo


Hello! My name is Edward Guo, and I am a senior studying Computer Engineering. I got into biking seriously during the peak of the pandemic, as it was one of the few ways I was able to stay active. What drew me to biking was being able to discover new places in my hometown and the surrounding area and to escape parts of my daily life and enjoy the outdoors. Because of this, I joined Illini Cycling the following semester and have enjoyed riding through the corn and soy fields that surround the university.

When I'm not biking, I can be typically found in my department building hosting office hours for several classes. I really enjoy helping others with their classes and seeing them succeed as a result. Outside of class, you can find me helping out the Asian American Association with their annual dance showcase or at the ARC practicing with Illini World Taekwondo and Illini Kendo.

What drew me to join Illini 4000 is its purpose to provide a way to document the experience of being affected by cancer throughout the United States and the opportunity to travel across the country by bike. I am thrilled to be join the 2023 Illini 4000 team to explore new places.


Through this ride and the money I raise, I hope to provide closure for others who have suffered due to cancer both directly and indirectly. I also dedicate part of this mission to my grandfather who passed away from stomach cancer before I was born and my uncle who had liver cancer and undergone a liver transplant to survive.