Emily Gonzalez — Illini 4000

Emily Gonzalez

Emily Gonzalez

Hometown: Chicago, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Media and Cinema Studies


Hi! My name is Emily Gonzalez and I am currently a freshman majoring in Media and Cinema Studies. I love all things music, I listen to everything- especially Taylor Swift. One of my all time favorite things to do is swim, it has been a huge part of my life. I am excited to embark on this biking journey and ready to support such a great cause.


Both of my sisters work with pediatric cancer patients, and I’ve always admired that. They’ve been involved with the cancer community for years providing medical and emotional support for these families. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of I4K and be able fundraise and spread awareness like my sisters have. I am doing this for my Godfather who died of brain cancer and all my family and loved ones who have been impacted by cancer.
