Shubham Bhutra

Shubham Bhutra

Hometown: India

University: University of Illinois

Major: Actuarial Science


My name is Shubham Bhutra. I'm currently a junior majoring in Actuarial Science. I was raised in Bangalore, India. I love traveling and the Outdoors. I'm a big soccer person. I love meeting new people and learning about their interests. My dream is to check out every state and National Park in the United States someday. I'm excited to be part of the team and looking forward to a great time with Illini 4000.


Cancer affects everybody. While it might not have directly affected me it has played a role in my life whether it was seeing my relative getting diagnosed with it or seeing a friend devastated on losing his mother to this unforgiving disease. Regardless of the outcome, a cancer diagnosis is a nightmare that affects everyone directly and indirectly. I hope to help raise money for cancer research and play my part in spreading cancer awareness by interacting with and giving a voice to the affected I meet on this trip!