Beginnings and ends and beginnings

In celebration of approximately a 1 month anniversary of the ride's completion, I'll post a few developments and thoughts since the end of perhaps one of the most epic summers I have ever experienced. After arriving back to Chicago, the I4k related activity refuses to cease!

John, Connie, Andrea and I made a journey from Naperville, IL down to Champaign a few weeks ago. After clocking in 12 hours and about 160 miles in a head wind on a humid day, we decided that now, on our own terms, the summer riding had more or less ended. Our group of four had a traditional PB&J lunch and stopped in small towns for refueling water and such. Several passers by commented about our jerseys (still from the summer) and we had to explain that the real ride had ended and we were just doing the 160 miler for "fun".

And fun it was - I am happy to have spent the additional day with 3 of my teammates and friends.

 I was also glad to be a part of the recruiting process for next year's team. Several of us who were still on campus (for varying durations) made a presence at quad day. Others also made it to one or both of the information sessions for I4k 2009. The enthusiasm for the ride is already strong and an increasing number of people know about the organization.

2k7 and 2k8 got together and did a ride to Arthur, IL for the Labor Day cheese festival. Keith, Sean, Dana, Brad and I got to relive the riding yet again.

Many thanks to the team members who put me up for a place to stay in Champaign while I was there. Seeing people "on the outside" has been fun - especially our donut days and lunch days.

Just like many of us don't know what to say when asked how our summer was, I can't put into words how honored I am to have ridden with the other 2k8 riders.