
Beginnings and ends and beginnings

In celebration of approximately a 1 month anniversary of the ride's completion, I'll post a few developments and thoughts since the end of perhaps one of the most epic summers I have ever experienced. After arriving back to Chicago, the I4k related activity refuses to cease!

John, Connie, Andrea and I made a journey from Naperville, IL down to Champaign a few weeks ago. After clocking in 12 hours and about 160 miles in a head wind on a humid day, we decided that now, on our own terms, the summer riding had more or less ended. Our group of four had a traditional PB&J lunch and stopped in small towns for refueling water and such. Several passers by commented about our jerseys (still from the summer) and we had to explain that the real ride had ended and we were just doing the 160 miler for "fun".

And fun it was - I am happy to have spent the additional day with 3 of my teammates and friends.

 I was also glad to be a part of the recruiting process for next year's team. Several of us who were still on campus (for varying durations) made a presence at quad day. Others also made it to one or both of the information sessions for I4k 2009. The enthusiasm for the ride is already strong and an increasing number of people know about the organization.

2k7 and 2k8 got together and did a ride to Arthur, IL for the Labor Day cheese festival. Keith, Sean, Dana, Brad and I got to relive the riding yet again.

Many thanks to the team members who put me up for a place to stay in Champaign while I was there. Seeing people "on the outside" has been fun - especially our donut days and lunch days.

Just like many of us don't know what to say when asked how our summer was, I can't put into words how honored I am to have ridden with the other 2k8 riders.

72 Days, 4000 Miles, 8 Million Memories

Hello again! As promised here is my ride wrap-up, something that I’ve been putting off in part because writing this brings to reality the fact that the ride is indeed over. L It’s been exactly two weeks since I said goodbye to my Illini 4000 teammates in Seattle, 14 days that have seemed like months and years as I miss so much. For 72 days they were my family, our daily destination my home and we got up each morning and rode our bicycles. It may sound strange to say I feel homesick but then maybe that makes sense after spending 72 days with such an amazing group of people! Disconnected from the so called real world for sometimes days at a time it didn’t matter the day of the week or what the weather might be, braving the elements we got on our bikes and pushed through it together.

Since returning home I’ve often been asked the ever so popular question “How was your summer?” Impossible to sum up in just a few words I often find myself at a loss for words and reply amazing or awesome neither of which justify just how incredible the experience really was.

Starting in Central Park that chilly May morning with the Atlantic Ocean to our east we got on our bikes and pedaled through cities and over mountains, on back roads and highways. We laughed and cried and laughed some more growing as a team with each passing day. While I was reminded of the reason in which I was riding every day as I put on my (ever so wonderfully smelling) I4K jersey, it was the people we met who grabbed our hearts with their stories and brightened our days with their kindness and enthusiasm that made the hard days so much easier. There were days where the climbs seemed to last forever. Days where a lack of sleep and aching legs made me want to stop to nap or walk, but onward we went; rejuvenated by the thoughts of those we met affected by cancer, the sight of tippy hill signs and the sound of a teammate whistling or singing a silly song to take our mind off the task at hand. From the busy city streets of New York City, Philadelphia and D.C. to the rolling green hills of South Dakota. Over the Big Horns and Rockies, westward to the Pacific and up to Seattle, it wasn’t always easy but it was an amazing summer and one I’ll never forget.

I realize that not everyone has the luxury or means of taking 72 days to cycle across the country and hope that through our stories, photos, videos and blogs we were able to share our journey with those following along from near and a far. The support of so many people made the ride what it was and to them all I can say is thank you. From family, friends and alumni to generous strangers who so kindly opened their homes, places of worship and schools to provide for us, giving us food and donating however they could to the cause for which we ride, thank you – you’re amazing!

It was an amazing 72 days, filled with memories that will last a lifetime with friends I will never forget. I can’t even begin to list all the memories from this summer but I’m reminded of them each day in some way or another. Onions will never be the same, as I learned this summer that they are much more than a vegetable you grow in the garden. Sixth grade boys may not be able to cross state boundaries but with their moms permission can lead you in the right direction when you get lost. It’s amazing how a 120 mile day on the cue sheet can be shortened to 80, thanks to one special rider playing a joke on their teammates! Bugs CAN find your ear canal when riding down the road, however thankfully come out with a few drops of water! From using plastic bags as rain jackets to eating blackberries off the side of the road, cold nights in Yellowstone to the mosquitoes of Wisdom, Montana. Ice cream circles, fiestas and mustache Montana. Christmas in July, Panera Bread, warm springs the list goes on forever!

We talked with numerous people touched by cancer this summer whether it was while touring hospital oncology units, sitting down in Portrait Project interviews or attending Relay for Life or the Northwest Cancer Summit! Together these experiences provided us with a small glimpse at the lives of those which cancer has touched, with people telling us their stories of struggle and hope. The ride may now be over with everyone having gone their own ways, but the cause is still there and I know that as long as it is The Illini 4000 will continue to do its part in the fight. I’ve been asked numerous times to compare this summer’s ride to last and while I could I’m not sure that would be fair as while both were similar they were also quite different. Like an infant in its first year of life the Illini 4000 has grown by leaps and bounds in the last year, learning through experience to build toward a future that looks quite bright.

Looking back on the summer I have to say that this might be the most amazing team I’ve ever been a part of and I’m truly proud to have been a member of it.

I4K 2K8’ers I miss you! Thanks for the memories!


Playing Catch-Up: Idaho-Seattle!

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Since I kind of disappeared from the interwebs over the final three weeks of I4K ’08, this post is meant to catch you up on the final weeks of I4K ’08 with experts from my non-interweb journal.<!--/* Style Definitions */p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal{mso-style-parent:"";margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}@page Section1{size:8.5in 11.0in;margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;mso-header-margin:.5in;mso-footer-margin:.5in;mso-paper-source:0;}div.Section1-->

I apologize for the lack of formatting however this was the fastest way to get these entries up. My final recap post will follow sometime in the next week. For now enjoy!

June 19th 2008

Wild Goose Campground, Lowell, Idaho

Distance: 62.13Time: 4:38:03*Avg: 13.4

(*includes walking bike to hot springs)

We woke up this morning at our campsite at Wendover Campground along Rt. 12 to a chilly Idaho July day. We quickly packed up our belongings and tents so the van could be packed before opening the cereal for breakfast. After finishing our cereal and rinsing the dishes Jon introduced us all to “Peel the Banana” as this mornings Mosher before we set out on our way cycling quickly along shade covered Rt. 12. About 6.5 miles into the ride we came to the Clearwater National Forest Warm Springs. Her we got off our bikes and walked them across a foot bridge and about a mile and a half into the forest until we came to a hot waterfall pouring out of the side of the hill and into the river below. Some of the team went down to shower/swim beneath the waterfall while Andrea, Nick, Andrew, Yiming, Dana, Takaya, Xixi, Fei, Amy and I all continued on up the path until we came across a series of hot spring pools. While the air may have felt cool to start the morning the spring water was warmer than the air making it an easy choice to jump into the water. We spent a few hours in the spring which I suspect was the closest thing to a bath that we will see all summer aside for swimming in lakes and rivers. The spring was also right next to a river making it easy to run back and forth to cool off. I spent about 10 minutes lying in a warm but cooler spring close to the river where I almost fell asleep it was so comfortable. At around 10:30 a.m. we decided we should probably start riding again and headed for the road. We arrived at the road to find that Amy who was driving had already left with the van but thankfully Jon had thought ahead and grabbed some granola bars for us from the snack drawer before she left as it was well beyond our normal morning water/snack break. We got on the road and rode about 20 miles before meeting up with Amy at our first real water stop around mile 26. From there we continued on another 15 miles until lunch at around mile 38. I rode that stretch with Jon, Jay and Andrew averaging about 17 mph down the winding roads that ran along the river. After consuming two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and refilling our water bottles Jon, Jay and I continued on our way pushing a 16 mph pace the 22 or so miles to Lowell. When we reached Lowell we stopped at the gas station where Jay bought Jon and me ice cream. We then sat outside eating it and playing “knock Connie’s water bottle over by throwing rocks at it” as other groups began to roll in. From the gas station it was a quick two mile ride to the USNF Wild Goose campground just west of Lowell. Once we reached camp we immediately began to unpack the van and set up our five tents. Nick and Rachel then began to prepare dinner which consisted of spaghetti and sauce made over the campfire. Some people took a quick swim in the river next to the campsite while dinner was being made however still feeling clean from my morning bath, I helped to gather firewood and wash the dishes and coolers. When the food was ready we ate dinner overlooking the river with the sun still shining on it. After dinner I was still hungry so I opened a package of pop-tarts that had been in my jersey pocket all day to eat while I sat next to the river and caught up on my journal. As dusk began to fall we enjoyed Smores over the campfire a special treat which was provided to us thanks to Andrea’s mom. Tomorrow we will re-connect with people again as we head to Craigmont where we have a church lined up to host us.

Taking a break from riding to relax in the Warm Springs of Clearwater National Forest

July 23rd 2008

Waitsburg, Washington

Distance: 73.46Time: 6:25:19Avg: 11.4

We departed the comforts of the FirstUnitedMethodistChurch in Lewiston, ID this morning bound for Waitsburg, WA. The morning began with a breakfast of muffins, sunny delight and breakfast sandwiches before setting out on our way. I forgot I had the Mosher until this morning and ended up doing the Mosher speech after I ran out of time to pass it before breakfast. For my speech we sang Happy Birthday to Rachel and then had a team vote deciding to allow University of Illinois alumni Allen Tran join us for the last week of the ride from Portland to Seattle. Andrew and Nick decide that they were going to go out of Idaho how they came in and rode the first few miles and across the stat border wearing nothing but their cycling shorts, shoes and helmet. It was their tribute to say goodbye to Naked Idaho. *Disclaimer – naked Idaho is a joke of sorts and nobody actually rode all the way through Idaho naked, just to clarify. Jay drove today and picked up the $30 worth of groceries Safeway had promised Nick and me the day before on his way out of town. He then met up with the team at our first water stop of the day on top of a hill around mile 22. I departed the water stop with Ben, Andrew and Jon and after descending down the hill and passing through a small town the guys decided they wanted to try and climb a crazy winding hill that we could see off to the left of our route. Knowing that the guys are faster climbers than I am I told them to go ahead and I’d probably only climb half of it. About ¼ of a mile up the hill I heard an odd sound but thought it was just the normal sound of my chain skipping. I continued to pedal when suddenly the entire thing locked up and I looked down only to see that my rear derailleur was stuck in the spokes of my back wheel. I then got off the bike and turned it over only to discover that the chain was broken. When Jon, Ben and Andrew came down the hill they stopped to see what the problem was and help me try to fix it. As they were working on it a man named Jack in a bucket utility truck pulled over to see if we were ok. He let us use a pair of pillars to bend the chain back so it would go back together and allow me to ride it. Jon and Ben then tried to adjust the derailleur and put it back on the sprockets. When we finally got back on the road I spent the next 20 miles doing a lot of spinning as I could no longer shift the back gears down and shifting them up would send the derailleur into the spokes again. I was definitely ready to stop when we spotted the van pulled over for lunch just past the 50 mile mark. We spent lunch trying to adjust the derailleur and fix the chain however ended up just leaving it in an easy but hard gear combination so I could finish out the days ride. About 15 miles into the afternoon ride we ran into construction and were give a ride about four miles up the road. The construction crew loaded our bikes into the back of a pick up truck and then we loaded into two different trucks with Ben and me riding in the front of the truck with our bikes. When the truck dropped us off we had one last hill to climb for the day. I had been getting off my bike and manually switching the gears at the top/bottom of every hill all afternoon and did the same here. The rest of the ride was rather uneventful with the exception of Dana’s contact falling out about five miles from Waitsburg leaving her with clear vision in only one eye for the final five miles. When we reached the school Brad informed us that they had gotten a few food donations and he headed out in the van to pick them up. John and Ben were on cooking duty tonight and cut up the stuff to make casadias for dinner as well. We each got two full casadias for dinner filled with veggies, beans and rice. After dinner I took advantage locker room showers and took a shower while also throwing my laundry into the washer. Before we headed to bed we sang Happy Birthday to Rachel again putting candles on the vegan peanut butter rice crispy treats Andrea had made the day before to substitute as a birthday cake. Tomorrow we ride to Oregon!

July 24th 2008

Umatilla, Oregon

Distance: 75.44Time: 5:31:04Avg: 13.7

Rachel, Jon, Brad, Nick and Sandy by the Welcome to Oregon sign

Today’s ride took us from Waitsburg, Washington to Umatilla, Oregon. We woke up at our normal 6 a.m. wake up time and had cereal and left over muffins for breakfast before getting ready to depart. Jay couldn’t find his credit card and after spending 20 minutes looking for it we decided it must be in the van somewhere so Takaya did the Mosher and we got on the road. About 20 miles into the ride I spotted some black raspberries alongside the road. Jon, Nick, Takaya and I stopped to pick them and left the scene with four Ziplock bags of berries that we managed to carry to the next water stop about 10 miles up the road in Walla Walla. Needing to get my bike fixed I then headed to the Bike Barn where they were able to replace my back derailleur with a cheaper one to get me to Seattle and change some cables that were loose. I will have Sport Tech take a look at my old derailleur when I get back home but am happy to be able to change gears again! Brad had met Tim (the mechanic at the Bike Barn) the night before in Waitsburg and he gave me an amazing deal for what he did to my bike charging me only $22 for both the replacement and labor. Nick and I then headed to the library to find Jon and try and use the internet however when we got there Jon had left and the wait for a computer was close to half and hour so we left and headed to Goodwill to find Jon. The three of us then rode 15 miles to Touchet where Matt and the van were waiting with lunch. After a couple PBJ sandwiches we were on our way again bound for the state line and Oregon! A few miles out of lunch Jon found a coat on the side of the road and tied it around himself to carry it to the next water stop 20 miles up the road. Shortly before the water stop we crossed into Oregon stopping to take photo by the “Welcome to Oregon” sign and acknowledge the state line on the road by the difference in pavement. When we finally got to the water stop we refilled our water bottles before sending Matt on his way as we were the back group. Brad, Jon, Nick and I then relaxed alongside the Columbia River while Rachel jumped in and went for a swim. We then rode another 20 miles to Umatilla where we are spending the night at McNary Heights Elementary staying in their school gymnasium. Once we reached the school Jon and I headed to the grocery store to get donations. The local grocery store gave us $20 worth of groceries along with a donation of a watermelon from a generous man we met in the store. I also bought my secret Santa present and with a bag of Twizzlers which I plan to make into Twizzler candy canes for Christmas in July tomorrow. <!--/* Style Definitions */p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal{mso-style-parent:"";margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}@page Section1{size:8.5in 11.0in;margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;mso-header-margin:.5in;mso-footer-margin:.5in;mso-paper-source:0;}div.Section1-->

When we returned to the school John and Ben had dinner ready and we enjoyed Spaghetti and Andrea’s fabulous banana bread for dinner. After dinner I repacked the van with the cooking stuff that had been removed before going over some team stuff with Nick and Andrew as Jon had passed out. This stay in Oregon is short as we cross the Columbia River back into Washington in the morning and will celebrate Christmas in July tomorrow night at MaryhillState Park in Washington.

July 25th 2008

Biggs, Oregon/Maryhill State Park, Washington

Distance: 85.34Time: 6:49:35Avg: 12.2

Merry Christmas in July! The morning started bright and early with the automatic light detector turning the lights on around 5:00 a.m. when someone got up to use the bathroom. After looking at my watch and determining I still had another hour to sleep I headed back to bed. The lights went off and about an hour later came back on as it was now 6:00 a.m. and time to get up! We enjoyed breakfast outside consisting of cereal and sunny delight. After Yiming’s Mosher game of Mafia we got on our way stopping only a few minutes into the ride to see the McNary Dam and watch the fish pass through from inside. We had a slight confusion in directions so Andrew and Brad headed down the road to look for the bike path that led over the river. After a little while they called to say that they’d found it and onward we went toward the bridge that led over the river. Once we crossed the river we rode on the Washington side of the rive the entire day. Mid-morning Fei got the first of two flats on the day and while he was changing it Andrea and I collected over $3.00 worth of cans from the side of the road in the surrounding area piling them all into one pile.At about mile 30 he got his second flat just as we hit an area of construction. As we approached the construction area we were told that we would have to be shuttled through as the road work stretched over an area of seven miles. Fei changed the flat while we waited and after about 20 minutes we loaded our bikes and Nick into the back of a construction truck and Jon, Andrea, Fei and I all loaded into the back of the lead truck and got shuttled through the traffic. We were let out about five miles up the road and rode the final two miles on a gravel/oil road. A little while later we met up with Xixi at our second water stop of the day. We then continued through the dry desert like terrain riding along the Columbia River until reaching our lunch stop at around mile 50. After eating two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I left lunch with Jon, Praveen and Yiming as the majority of people left at the lunch stop were going to stop and swim nearby in the river. The ride after lunch was hot and by 20 miles we were running short on water and had not seen Xixi. After climbing up a short hill we spotted her in the shade on the side of the road. We stopped to fill our bottles and then continued on our way with about 15 miles still to ride. About eight miles prior to reaching MaryhillState Park we had a rather long climb that included a delicious stop mid-hill when we discovered black raspberries! Jon, Praveen, Yiming and I all stopped and filled our water bottles with berries from alongside the road spending about 45 minutes picking berries. With our bottles filled we continued on to the state park where upon arrival we immediately began to help set up tents, gather wood and prepare dinner. After the tents were up and the firewood was gathered I began work on turning my twizzlers into candy canes using pieces of my note cards to hold the twizzlers in a candy cane shape. With it being Christmas, John and Ben prepared a special dinner that included rice, beans, potatoes and a variety of mixed grilled veggies all of which were delicious. After dinner we gathered around the pine tree to exchange our secret Santa gifts. Ben had me and gave me an action figure which he’d found in pieces alongside the road and creatively glued back together. You guessed right if your guessing it will go on my bike tomorrow! I also got some “bling” in the form of a card themed charm on a necklace and a microphone charm on a necklace. After exchanging gifts we made Smores over the campfire a fabulous Christmas indeed!

My Christmas in July action figure toy!

July 28th 2008

Portland, Oregon

Rest Day

Today was our off day in Portland meaning I got up at 7 a.m. to head to the Northwest Cancer summit. Nick, Jon and I got on our bikes around 7:45 a.m. and headed down to the PortlandConvention Center arriving around 8:15 a.m. Upon arriving we talked wit a number of people before walking around to explore the vendors, picking up some breakfast from the continental spread and heading into the conference room to find a seat for the day. Sue Frymark welcomed everyone and introduced our group even though there were only three of us there at the time. We then listened to another speaker before listening to the band Wideawake play a selection of songs including “Maybe Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow” aka. the LIVESTRONG song. A bunch of our teammates showed up around 9:15 a.m. with a few more trickling in at 11 a.m. and noontime. The morning session consisted of a number of different speakers many of whom were cancer survivors with stories to tell. At around 12:30 p.m. the conference broke for lunch which consisted of boxed lunches with sandwiches, potato salad, chips, apples and brownies. We took a group photo with the organizer of the event after which many left to go out and explore Portland. A group of about five of us stayed through the presentation by Kathryn Fitzpatrick from the Lance Armstrong Foundation departing the convention center at around 3:30 p.m. I rode my bike around downtown for awhile before heading back to the church stopping by the bike shop on Sandy Ave. on the way. When I arrived at the church I found Brad outside cleaning the garbage out of the van and trying to arrange things into some kind of order. I helped him for awhile before heading across the street to Albertsons where I purchased a new pair of shoelaces for my bike shoes and ice cream for post-dinner snack. I then headed back to the church where some women from the church were preparing dinner for the team. When the majority of the team was back we started dinner which consisted of a veggie and noodle stew for the non-meat eaters and a turkey noodle soup for the meat-eaters. There were also many salads to go along with dinner including brownies and ice cream! Jill and fellow University of Illinois alum Susan ate dinner with us and then loaded a group of eight of us into their cars and took us to nearby Beaverton, Oregon for a tour of the Nike Campus where Susan works. The tour of the campus included a look at the outside of the Tiger Woods building, a stop at the track made of the soles of running shoes and visits inside the Mike Schmidt and Lance Armstrong buildings. It was almost 10 p.m. when we left the campus and around 10:30 p.m. when we arrived back at the church. I still had the ice cream that I’d bought earlier in the freezer however after already having had ice cream couldn’t come close to finishing it so I put it back in the freezer to offer to my teammates at breakfast. I then journaled for awhile before heading to bed around midnight with a 90 mile riding day to the ocean to wake up to in the morning.

Fei, Praveen, Matt, Takaya, Andrea, Susan, Sandy, Jill, Stephe and Nick inside the Lance Armstrong Building on the Nike Campus

July 30th 2008

Seaside, Oregon

Rest DayDistance: 20.93Time: 1:52.01

View of Cannon Beach from inside Ecola State Park

Today was our rest day in Seaside, Oregon. I awoke at 6:20 a.m. and unable to fall back to sleep I spent about an hour laying in my sleeping bag before finally getting up to go to the bathroom. I then went back and climbed back in my sleeping bag for another half and hour before getting up for good around 8:00 a.m. With many of my teammates still sleeping I headed to Safeway and purchased milk and coconut cream yogurt for breakfast. I then used what I had in my bag and made oatmeal for breakfast along with yogurt and granola. When I finished eating half of the team was still sleeping and the other half had disappeared off to the beach or local eateries for breakfast so I decided to head to CannonBeach by myself and explore. The ride to CannonBeach was a total of eight miles and included a 2.5 mile climb; a 1.5 mile descent and an amazing view once there. I first went down what appeared to be the main street took a few photos and then headed to a point where I could access both the sand and the ocean. I then backtracked toward where I entered town and turned down the road that pointed toward EcolaState Park. Instead of going into the park I climbed a rather steep hill and came to a point where I locked my bike to a wooden walkway bridge that led over the sand and then headed down toward the ocean to explore. After taking some photos by the water and wading in the water for a few minutes I went back up to the wooden walkway and took a few more photos before heading off to explore EcolaState Park. The ride into the state park was rather hilly but beautiful with moss covered trees forming a canopy over the road. I was unsure if I would have to pay to enter the park but upon arrival found out that there was no entrance fee for bicyclist which was nice since I had just spent the last 15-20 minutes climbing into the park! I headed to the lookout near Ecola Point that overlooked the ocean and the giant rocks including the Haystack Rock off in the distance. After taking a bunch of photos I decided it was time to head back to Seaside so I jumped on my bike and made my way back to the church. When I got back to the church I found Nick, Fei, Allen and Xix about to head out the door to CannonBeach. They decided to look at my photos before heading out, after which Xixi decided that she didn’t want to partake in the 20 mile round trip and would rather stay behind so she could go with me to the Portrait Project interview in Astoria later in the day. I made myself more of my leftover oatmeal for lunch and then headed to the beach in Seaside where I stood in the ocean and called Alex (I4K ’07) as I’d told her I’d call her from the Pacific! On my way back to the church I stopped in a small store to look for a Christmas ornament for a friend. From there I headed to the library where I reserved a computer for 7:00 p.m. hoping to be back from Astoria by then and finally made my way to the post office to mail my friends ornament before returning to the church. Around 3:30 p.m. Brad, Jon, Andrea, Xixi and I jumped in the van and headed to Astoria, a 16 mile drive up the road. After getting slightly lost upon entering Astoria we arrived at the Columbia House condos and were greeted by Nancy whom I’d met at the Northwest Cancer Summit in Portland two days earlier. Nancy runs a cancer support group in Astoria and kindly set up the Portrait Project interviews in Astoria for us getting a total six cancer survivors to come talk with us – our largest Portrait Project group ever! The interviews were in a group setting and took place in a beautiful room overlooking the Columbia River with the AstoriaBridge in the background. After the interviews were over one of the survivors generously handed me a bill to use specifically toward food money. Nancy also gave us a container of grapes to take with us for the road. When we got back to the church Brad, Andrea, Jon and I walked to Safeway to buy food for dinner. I bought broccoli pasta and cream of celery soup to mix together and make into a pasta dinner. We then walked back to the church where I quickly made my dinner while Jon, Andrea and Brad headed down to the beach to wait for the sunset. After my dinner was done Matt, Praveen, Dana and I (carrying my pot of pasta with me!) headed down to the beach to catch the sunset. We watched the sun set, took photos and watched Stephe, Takaya and Allen try to surf on Stephe’s board all while trying to keep warm as acool wind had picked up and as the sun set the air quickly cooled. Matt and I decided to brave the chilly air and went to get ice cream at a place that had fresh made waffle cones which were delicious! We then headed back to the church for team meeting after which we all enjoyed fresh black raspberry pie made by our newly acquired teammate Allen Tran out of the black raspberries we have collected from the sides of the road in the past week. It’s now bedtime – goodnight!

August 1st 2008

Yelm, Washington

Distance: 66.26Time: 5:26:48Avg: 12.1

The day started with a French toast breakfast at the UnitedMethodistChurch in Yelm. As we loaded our bags into the van it began to drizzle. Allen gave the Mosher speech this morning for the second day in a row and performed I’m a Little Tea Cup to rap. The roads were wet in the morning meaning every time a truck passed us we got soaked. I rode with Fei and Nick in the caboose the entire morning. The ride took us along a rather busy road before leading into some back roads that led us to lunch in Centraila. We ate lunch out of the back of the van at a gas station dining on peanut butter and jelly on our fabulous Panera bread. After lunch the majority of the team headed to the bike shop however Rachel and I headed to the library when I needed to put together a press release as requested by some of the Seattle media. I put together the release rather quickly and then tried to arrange for shipping of my bike home from Seattle however when I couldn’t get the FedEx online form to work decided to walk across the street to the post office and see if I could schedule a pick up in Seattle. The lady there wasn’t very helpful telling me that I had to do it online so I went back to the library where Nick was now waiting with Rachel and called a few Seattle Bike shops asking for clarification on shipping a bike. One of the shops which I’d previously talked to told me that I could schedule a shipping pickup at the shop which hadn’t been clear when I talked to them a few days ago. Nick, Rachel and I then began to make our way toward Yelm wit about 25 miles still to cover. About 15 miles into the afternoon portion of the ride we caught up to a group of our teammates stopped along the bike path. John, Connie, Praveen, Dana, Amy, Andrea and Allen were stopped along the path picking flowers. When they saw us they continued on their way with Rachel, Nick and I following close behind. Before long we came to bridge on the bike path that crossed over a swimming hole. As we were crossing it we noticed a rope swing on a tree hanging over the water and of course had to stop and check it out! Nick quickly made his way down the dirt path leading to the tree as happy as a kid on Christmas at this new find while others followed behind him eager to try out the rope. There was a small perch on a cut off branch of the tree that hung out over the water which people took turns jumping from with and without the rope. Before long John Kolinski decided to be a little more daring and climbed to a higher branch overhanging the water to swing from. Of course this meant everyone else had to do the same and before long I4K’ers were flying out of the tree, swinging across the water and plunging into the small body of water. Rachel had perhaps the scariest jump in a made for “America’s Funniest Video’s” moment when she jumped and at the last minute got caught in the rope between her legs causing her to do a back flip into the water. She was fine however just as she did this some local kids showed up and decided they needed to be daring as well. One headed up the tree to a board that was perched way up in the top of the tree over the water. From the perch he jumped into the water prompting a few I4K riders to try this scary looking feat. John, Nick, Praveen, Rachel and Allen all made the plunge from the top of the tree and then convinced Takaya to do the same when he rolled through with Andrew, Xix and Fei. After serving as the videographer/photographer for this jumping excursion I decided to head to the church in Yelm with Andrew, Xixi, Fei and Amy. We pedaled the final nine miles along the bike path and into Yelm arriving around 5:45 p.m. When we arrived in Yelm I headed to Safeway with Matt to pick up cheese for our grilled cheese sandwich on Panera bread dinner. I then tried to go shower at the local Middle School where Pastor Gerry at EmmanuelLutheranChurch had arranged for us to shower however the janitor had left and the lockers rooms were locked so I headed back to the church to help Andrea, Connie and Dana with dinner. Andrea, Dana and I prepared the grilled cheese while Connie made a pot of rice and vegetables to go with it. After dinner we had a short team meeting to discuss and finalize our plans for Seattle tomorrow. Matt then treated us to ice cream at Dairy Queen courtesy of I4K ice cream money given to him by his aunt. I had a peanut butter cup blizzard with brownie chunks in it which was delicious. On my way back from Dairy Queen I stopped at Safeway to pick up peanut butter and jelly for our final PBJ lunch tomorrow. As much of a joke as it becomes about eating peanut butter and jelly everyday, it really doesn’t taste that bad in the middle of a 80 mile ride and it’s going to be odd eating stuff other than PBJ for lunch in a few days. Back at the church Andrew, Jon and Nick finalized our route for tomorrow one of our longest routes cue wise since the day we left NYC. Seattle is having a summer celebration this weekend that included the Blue Angles so hopefully it will not affect our route to much. When they were done using the computer I updated the team blog (yes, Allen I know I spelt your name wrong) and then headed to bed around 1:30 a.m.

Sleep - What’s that?

Taking a break to play on the tree swing en route to Yelm

August 2nd 2008

Seattle, Washington

Distance: 85.10Time: 7:03:29Avg: 12.0

Seattle! After 72 days on the road we arrived in Seattle, Washington today riding to the University of Washington and then MagnusonPark where we were greeted by family and friends. The day began in Yelm where Pastor Gerry at EmmanuelLutheranChurch got up early to make us pancakes before sending us on our way. We all sang the 12 days of I4K for the pastor before Jay gave an amazing Mosher speech inspiring us and reminding us of how far we’ve come in the past couple of months. Nick then had everyone take a McDonald’s toy from the briefcase John and Allen had given him the day before. I took a TailSpin toy of Kit in his racing plane and attached it to my handle bars so that my bendy Uncle Sam was hugging it. We then rolled out of the driveway of the church with roughly 70 miles separating us from a toilet paper finish line in Seattle. Less than three miles up the road Amy got a flat and John, Connie and I pulled over to wait while she changed it. When she was done the four of us continued on until meeting up with our amazing morning van drive Allen Tran around the 20 mile mark for our first water stop. We grabbed a few handfuls of Fruit Loops and other random cereals that were in the snack door, filled up our water bottles and chilled for a few minutes with Jon, Nick and Brad before continuing on. Jon, Nick and Brad shortly caught up to us and rode we all rode the next 20 miles to lunch in Kent together. About two miles before lunch Kit tried to make a Dinosaur Dave escape, jumping out of Uncle Sam’s arms when I hit a bump crossing a bridge. Thankfully he bounced backward and not into the water below allowing me to rescue him and secure him inside my jacket pocket until we reached lunch. Lunch was in the parking lot of Safeway in Kent. There we met up with Mr. Ger who had kindly offered to drive the second part of the day thus allowing everyone to ride into Seattle together. We feasted on leftover toasted cheese sandwich from the night before along with the traditional peanut butter and jelly one last time. I reattached Kit to my handle bars this time with a shoe lace to prevent any further escapes in the busy Seattle traffic. Brad copied down the directions for Mr. Ger and by the time we were ready to leave lunch Nick’s bike was covered in toys all taped to the handle bars, seat post and fork. We had about 20 miles to cover before reaching the University of Washington where we were meeting at the fountain before riding to MagnusonPark together as a team. I rode with Jon, Nick, Brad, Allen, John, Connie and Amy after lunch and as we got closer and closer to the city we could see the Blue Angles flying overhead as part of Seattle’s Summer Celebration. This celebration added a few complications to our route as a few of the roads we were going to follow were closed. After navigating up and down some rather steep hills we met up with a friendly biker who worked at the University of Washington and kindly led us the final few miles to campus and the fountain where our teammates were waiting. We had Allen take a few team photos in front of the fountain before getting back on our bikes and beginning to make our way toward MagnusonPark. The Burke-Gilman Trail took us the majority of the way from the University to the park, although getting into the park after getting off the trail proved to be a bit confusing. Once we finally made our way into the park we turned to the left and could see the orange and blue colorful Illini banners along with our family and friends gathered alongside the lake. In two lines we made our way down the sidewalk and toward the crowd where a toilet paper finish line was stretched across the sidewalk. As we approached the line Jay made a sprint for the finish crossing the line and breaking the toilet paper. About 20 people had come out to show their support for our team and their warm smiles greeted us along with two picnic tables of food! We took a few team photos in front of the lake before making our way toward the food tables covered with Pizzas, salads, veggies, fruits, chips and much more. Jill from ACS in Tacoma, WA was there to show her support on behalf of ACS and thanked us for what we had done while also reading some cancer statistics. Jon and Nick thanked everyone for coming out and Matt’s parents made a surprise presentation of t-shirts with the slogan “We Did It” to all team members! After about an hour of mingling with the crowd we packed all of the left over food into Nick’s father’s car and got back on our bikes to ride to our host location near the University. The girls are staying at the Chabad House while the boys are only a few blocks down the street at the AEPi Fraternity house. It’s rather weird to be separated after spending 72 days together but in two days we will all go our own ways which I know will be an even bigger change. When we arrived at the Chabad house the Rabbi gave us a tour of the house after which we unloaded our bags from the van and said goodbye to Xixi as she has opted to forgo the Chabad house and stay with her parents at their hotel. After unpacking our bags we took advantage of the facilities offered to us and showered! It feels nice to be clean again although I still seem to find dirt that’s permanently attached itself to my legs. There are six of us staying at the Chabad house tonight with Amy and Xix both doing their own things. When we were all nice and clean Dana, Andrea, Yiming and I headed up the street to the AEPi house to see what the guys were up to. We found them gathered around a large screen television watching a movi<!--/* Style Definitions */p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal{mso-style-parent:"";margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}@page Section1{size:8.5in 11.0in;margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;mso-header-margin:.5in;mso-footer-margin:.5in;mso-paper-source:0;}div.Section1-->

e. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the couch watching television. Around midnight I woke up and found most of my teammates downstairs. Still rather tired I walked back to the Chabad house and went to bed. I am a tired girl.

2008 Illini 4000 Team in Seattle's Magnuson Park

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August 3rd 2008

Seattle, Washington

Rest Day

I woke up this morning with the mindset that it was just another rest day – which it was. Kind of. Those of us staying in the Chabad house were up at 8:30 a.m. and headed up the street to the AEPi house where we met the male members of our team and headed out on our final bike ride together making our way to downtown Seattle where the University of Illinois College of Medicine was hosting a brunch for us at a rather fancy restaurant called Campagne. The food was an amazing spread of egg casserole, fruit, organic yogurt and granola with enough food to send everyone out the door with full stomachs. After leaving the restaurant we gathered in the street near Pike Place Market for a final team photo before exchanging hugs and saying goodbye to our teammates who were leaving from the brunch. A group of us headed a few blocks north to Olympic Sculpture Park where a press conference was suppose to be held. We waited in the park and then waited some more and finally took a group photo in front of the fountain before departing as the press forgot to show up! Nick, Dana, Rachel, Andrea and I all headed back to 21st Avenue NE (our stay over location) passing by Seattle’s Space Needle on the way. Back at the Chabad house Andrea left to spend the afternoon with her mother and Dana and I each spent about an hour re-packing our bags in preparation for our flights home tomorrow. I then journaled for awhile before heading out on my bike to explore the streets of northern Seattle stopping at Tully’s to buy a Green Tea Mango smoothie and then finding a shady spot on the University lawn to sit, drink it and journal some more! (It’s been a busy few days and I have a lot to catch up on!) Around 6:00 p.m. I headed back to the Chabad house just in time to say goodbye to Brad and Yiming who were both getting ready to leave. Andrea, Dana and I sent them off by chasing the Topol’s car down the road waving to them! We then walked up to the AEPi house to see what our teammates there were doing for dinner. We ended up walking to the QFC grocery store with Allen although managed to take the long way there, walking almost a mile when the store was actually just down the hill from where we were staying. I bought Ritz crackers and cheese for dinner along with peanut butter cup ice cream – the dinner of champions! On our walk back we dropped Andrea off at her mom’s hotel and then went to the AEPi house to dine. When we finished eating Jon and I began the daunting task of unpacking and repacking the support van. Doing this involved taking everything out of the van, sorting it into boxes that would be taken back with riders as checked baggage and securing everything with tape to ensure it all made it back safely. Around 1:00 a.m. Praveen and Dana joined in the packing party and by 2:00 a.m. we had everything sorted and the boxes ready to be tapped shut. Dana woke Rachel (who was sleeping upstairs in the AEPi house) and headed back to the Chabad house to get some sleep while Jon and I walked back to QFC to buy duck tape for the boxes. I returned to the Chabad house around 2:45 a.m. just in time to get three hours of sleep before waking at 6 a.m. as that’s when we will begin shuttling people to the airport in the morning.

Group Hug - Saying Goodbyes

Back in the 'burbs

The ride wrapped up really well. It is hard to believe that we actually crossed the country on our bikes! The conclusion of the trip was so rapid and tumultuous that I am left wondering, "did that just happen?" Then, I glance at the tan lines on my legs, and the existence of the trip is reaffirmed.

I couldn't imagine a better way to spend a summer. The ride, and the riders, made this summer extraordinarily special for me. I had a great time, and was overwhelmed by the generosity showered on us from all directions by churches, community centers, parents, and other supporters of our trip. I really appreciate all of those in particular who contributed to my effort to raise funds. I ended up meeting a dentist who had written a check in support of my ride while I was in Seattle, which brought the size of the United States back down to that of the small towns through which we passed, such as Wisdom, MT, and Craigmont, ID, where everyone still knows everyone else in town. America is very much a small town type of country, and I'm glad for it. I'm also incredibly grateful for the 20 (21) people who made the difficult times pass rapidly, and the good times that much more sweet.

Seattle and Beyond...

I can't believe this journey is over!  I still remember clearly how I felt before this trip began.  I was still doubting whether or not I'd even finish in one piece...but all 20 of us made it.  Actually we ended with 21 riders after Alan joined us in Portland.  It's really strange not getting on my bike after doing the same thing for 72 days! (minus the rest days...)  The completion of this cross country tour is exciting but I'm definately going to miss being carefree, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with amazing people.

I'm at Olympic National Park with my dad right now, exploring the pacific northwest.  I'm so lucky to have a wonderful father who would fly out here and take off work to go camping with me!!  THANKS DAD! I had to put my bike shorts back on for old times sake when I jumped into the Pacific Ocean!!  We're in Port Angeles and I have one more day to enjoy these gorgeous rainforests...then my travels continue south to visit family in California.  I'm putting off school until the very last minute.


Thank you all for an amazing summer...I couldn't dream of having a better experience!

We made it!

Hello from Seattle!  I never thought I would get to say that, but the time has come.  All 20 of us made it to Seattle on the 2nd!  I've extended my stay here and this is the first time I've been able to use the internet since we arrived. 

The last days of our trip turned out to be pretty difficult, especially following some shorter days of downhill through beautiful, remote areas in Montana and Idaho.  As we entered Washington and rode along the border of Washington and Oregon, switching between the 2 states often, we faced lots of wind (there was even a permanent sign in one area warning of severe side wind), busy highways, riding on busy interstates with lots of glass, and a long day of rain on our way to the coast.  However, we also enjoyed more frequent rest days in places I've looked forward to since I first learned what the route was, such as Portland and the coast of Oregon.  I spent some time with Megan Dye in Portland, a wonderful host and friend from dance at U of I.  Thanks Megan!  In Seaside, I spent our entire rest day on the beach even though it was slightly chilly.  It was strange to head east for the first time after the coast, but it was worth the 3 days of riding to reach Seattle!  I hit 4000 miles on my cyclometer on the day out of Seaside and considered leaving my bike at that point and walking home as I had accomplished what the trip called for - biking 4000 miles and getting to the other side of the country.  But then I remembered that I had plans in Seattle and it would be cool to get there.

Ewan met me in Seattle and we have stayed with a couple via which has worked out really well.  I wanted to stay here primarily to see some dance here and we were able to make it, although a little late, to a performance the night we arrived here.  We've also walked around the city a lot and seen a couple different neighborhoods and parks.  Soon we'll go to Portland for a couple days and then I'll head home, on a plane.  It's just now starting to hit me that the trip is actually over and this is not just an extended, extra luxurious rest day.  It's been 4 days since I've biked, the longest time period without biking in 2.5 months, my butt is starting to recover, I'm starting to get used to sleeping on softer surfaces and wear real clothes, get up when I want to, eat what and when I want, etc.  I have a feeling that it'll be a while before my tan lines fade though.

Perhaps I'll see in Illinois soon!

Mini update!

It's been awhile! I haven't put together a final post yet as I want to let things sink in a little more and maybe write some post for all the weeks I missed before I post my final recap, however I know people have been patiently waiting for updates so I thought I'd say hello and let everyone know that I've made it home safely. So far I've moved and uploaded my photos (it looks the same just a different link address - with a lot more photos), I'll be adding video and blogs throughout the coming days so check back often as I'm not done yet!

I4K'ers - I MISS YOU!

From Sea to Shining Sea-ttle

I am truly at a loss for words.

It doesn't seem possible that over the past 72 days I have, and along with 19 other amazing people, rode across the United States. Day by day we rode up to 110 miles, through rain, hail, hot desert heat, cool breezes, 30 mph winds, and under seemingly endless blue skies. Looking back, it seems like a dream. From all of the wonderful support we have seen across the country from the big cities in the East to the small towns in the West and from all of those who have been touched by cancer and are surviving and fighting, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without each and everyone of you, those who donated, those who have opened your hearts and mind to what may seem to some a crazy adventure, we could not have had such an impact as we have and will continue to do.

As I sit in the AEPi fraternity house in Seattle on the University of Washington Campus, Nick asleep on the couch and Jon is taking Sandy (the last of the I4K riders to leave Seattle) to the airport, I realize that tomorrow will be bittersweet. Leaving in the van, driving back to Chicago in what can be a 24 hours drive, which took us over a month to bicycle across, reality will set in. Everyone has left, but the memories and the emotions are still with me. As this ride has changed not only the way I look at America, but to see the good in everyone and everything, crying just makes me realize that this ride truly meant something. It has reached apart of my soul that I didn't think was possible. Tackling mountians, winds, and mostly emotions throughout the ride, I will undoubtably miss these challenges and everyone that I have became so close to these past 72 days.

72 days. That is all it took for me to ride from New York to Seattle. 72 days of muscle aches, of mental strengthening, and most of all the laughter and happiness I have found. Not only have the several moving stories of the cancer survivors, from the first at the Walter Reed Hospital, to the last portraits project with 6 surviving cancer patients in Astoria, Oregon, but also the people along the way, inquiring what we were doing and why we would do such a trip. We all have different reasons, but overwhelmingly we have all been affected by cancer. So, to those who are surviving and thriving we are doing this for you, for those who are fighting we are doing this for you, for those who will one day be diagnosed with cancer we are doing this for you, and for those whose lives have somehow been touched by cancer we are doing this for you.

This journey, and chapter of my life, has come to a close. Never will I forget the crazy stories and hilarious bike rides and people I have met, friends that I have made, sights that I have seen, and the laughter, which always brought us together. Never have I seen such a mixed group of people work so well together, care for one another with all their hearts, motivate and never give up on one another. Thank you all for the a summer that I will never forget. You have all made an imprint on my heart and my life.

To the Riders:
Amy, Andrew, Ben, Brad, Connie, John, Dana, Fei, Yiming, XiXi, Jay, Praveen, Nick, Jon, Rachel, Matt, Takaya, Sandy, and Stephe-

I can not express my words well enough for you to understand how much each of you have meant to me. I have learned probably more on this trip than I did in college and I can not thank you guys enough for being there for me when I needed it the most. I have such great memories of all of you from laughing so hard in West Yellowstone that I couldn't walk or stand up straight, the DMCs and onion peeling, watching the sunrise and sunset, making dinner while the piano plays a song from Amelie, jumping off of hay bales, riding through insanely busy streets, sleeping outside, brief side hugs, and the conversations that just made us laugh for hours. The list goes on...but in the end you all have made me a better person. Eventhough I will be figuring out what I will be doing this upcoming year, we each continue down our own paths, but when we remember the best summer of our lives, the summer of 2008, we will remember each other. We will remember the good and the bad, we will remember why we did the ride. Never again will the team ride as we did for 72 days, each in search of something different, but as 20 started on a cold morning in Central Park, 20 finished at Magnuson Park in Seattle.  


With the anticipation of a bride on her wedding day, the 20 road-tested members of the 2009 Illini 4000 Bike America departed Yelm, WA for their ultimate destination: Magnuson Park in Northeastern Seattle.   Underneath blue skies and Blue Angels fighter jets, the team cruised through the 70 mile route like the veterans that they are, easily conquering the few obstacles that stood between them and the seemingly-impossible End: crowds of pedestrians watching the Blue Angels soar overhead, steep roads, and a maddening network of streets.  After 71 days of brushes with cars, wrong turns, and brief periods of homelessness, nothing could stop the Illini 4000 team....

At approximately 5:15 PST on August 2nd, the 2008 Illini 4000 Bike America team turned into Magnuson Park and broke the ceremonial toilet paper finishing tape, thus concluding another successful year in Illini 4000 history.  Greeted by adoring friends and family, the 20 members of the Illini 4000 exchanged hugs and took photographs before enjoying a WONDERFUL spread of pizza, veggies, fruit, sandwiches, oh-so-delicious lemonade, and even a birthday cake for rider Connie Ger (August 5th -- Happy Birthday Connie!)  It was truly the perfect end to our last ride.*

But wait, there's more....

After leaving the park, the team traveled to the beautiful University of Washington campus.  Here the majority of the team divided-up and settled in at its last stayover locations, the Chabad House (for the girls) and the AEPi Fraternity House (for the guys) just down the block.  For many of the (male) team members, staying at the fraternity house added a new element to their Illini 4000 experience -- particularly because it gave them the opportunity to watch television for the first time in 72 days! 

Alas, it must be noted that the separation of the team and the absence of several riders -- who had chosen to spend the night with their family -- foreshadowed the second seemingly-impossible fact: everyone would soon go their separate ways. After 72 days living, laughing, riding and sleeping side-by-side, the team would soon be no more....

It would be no more, but not without one final celebration.  At 9:30 am on Sunday, August 3rd, the 20 riders of the Illini 4000 got on their bikes (haha) and made their way to the Campagne Restaurant in downtown Seattle for a brunch hosted by the U of I College of Medicine.  Here the team enjoyed the most spectacular food ever tasted on an Illini 4000 Bike America Ride and celebrated their achievement as an entire team one last time....

And so, with everyone's stomach full of organic yogurt, quiche, and blueberries, the team ventured into the street outside of Campagne and Seattle's (truly) world famous Pike Place market for one last round of hugs, songs, and photographs before saying goodbye to the individuals who had - more or less - made up their world over the previous 72 days.

It was a great ride.

Special thanks MUST be given to the following families for helping put together this wonderful reception: The Xiaos, Topols, Gers, Cillicks, Ludmers, Clarks, and the entire Erikson clan.  Of course, the Illini 4000 wishes special thanks to Mr. Ger for serving as both official photographer and support-vehicle driver2 (thus allowing everyone to ride into Seattle), Allen Tran (for being support vehicle driver 1, preparing delicious food over the past few days, and making our team look larger than it really is in all team photographs), the Cillicks (for making awesome "We did it!" t-shirts), and Jill, the American Cancer Society representative who trekked out to Magnuson on her day off to talk about the importance of raising money for cancer research.  We, the riders of the Illini 4000 Bike America team thank you for making the end of our ride so memorable.  Thank you also to Sarah Robinson and the U of I College of Medicine for hosting such a wonderful brunch  and giving our team the opportunity to one together one last time.

The same must be said to all of the family members, donors, religious leaders, churchgoers, cancer patients,  cancer survivors and strangers who are reading this message who could not make it Seattle.  You provided us with nourishment, lifted our spirits on windy days, and jumped our car when we played the music too long and killed the battery!   We could not have made it this far without your help.

Note: While this journal documents the final days of the Illini 4000, we would encourage you to continue to visit our website in the coming days, weeks, and months.  Riders will surely be posting  additional end-of-the-ride posts as they return home and regain access to the "interwebs", thus providing you with a more comprehensive look into the end of our journey!  In addition, we will soon be making our donation to the American Cancer Society, Camp Kesem, and preparing for the 2009 Illini 4000 Bike America Ride.  That's right -- we're already thinking about next year!  As long as cancer remains a serious public health issue in America, generations of Illini 4000 riders will continue to ride across the country in support of cancer research and awareness.  We're a young organization -- you don't want to miss the next chapter in our story!

One more day.

In the past two days the team has left Oregon behind and moved into the southwestern part of Washington State where we are currently settled at the Emanuel Lutheran Church in Yelm, WA.

Today's ride took the team from Castle Rock to Yelm, WA. The morning started with a French Toast breakfast in Castle Rock, the work of our masterful guest chef/rider Allen Tran. As we departed Castle Rock, the drizzle began to fall and continued through much of the morning. We stopped for lunch in Centralia where we enjoyed a fabulous PBJ lunch out of the back of the van and visited the bike shop and the library. With about 30 miles to cover following lunch many people took their time getting to Yelm stopping to cool off in a swimming hole where a rope swing hanging from a tree provided much entertainment. When we arrived in Yelm, Connie and Andrea prepared a fabulous meal of rice and grilled cheese putting our donated Panera bread from Portland to good use. After dinner the team was treated to ice cream at Dairy Queen thanks to a generous ice cream donation from Matt's aunt. With less than 24 hours before we pull into Magnuson Park in Seattle most of the team is currently fast asleep in preparation of tomorrows ride. For those meeting us in Seattle tomorrow we'll see you at the finish line!

A rest day in Seaside

Today we had a rest day Seaside.  It was very relaxing.  Seaside is a great little town centered around tourism, so it has lots of shops and things to see.  Several people spent all day wandering around.  Many people also biked 8 miles to the nearby Cannon Beach, which I have been told was amazing.  Xixi, Sandy, Andrea, and Brad went to Astoria for a Cancer support group meeting to do a Portraits project interview. Tomorrow we ride to Castle Rock.

i jumped in the ocean today

I guess this means I MADE IT!!!  Today, we biked almost 90 miles, with some pretty challenging climbs from Portland to Seaside, OR...and I ran right into the ocean despite the freezing cold rain and wind.  The ocean wasn't any colder than I was to begin with....

I can't believe it.  Tomorrow is a rest day, to relax by the ocean side and it'll be just three more days until we reach Seattle.

Finally to the Sea

Today we finally reached the Pacific Ocean in Seaside, Oregon.  It was a miserably cold and wet day, but everything was made somewhat lighter by Allen Tran's visit.  He is guest riding from Portland to Seattle.  He also rode from Chicago to Champaign last year, making him the longest guest rider in the I4K's 2 rides.  Tomorrow is another rest day, and it feels sort of weird, having another one after we had one yesterday.  I'm sure everyone will love it anyway.


Sorry this is a day late, but we had a few very busy days in Portland.  We left Cascade Locks a little late, around 8 instead of 7:30.  It didn't matter too much; we only had a 40 mile day into Portland, and we had to meet Barbara and Bruce (two alumni club members who led us into town) at the 22 mile mark at 11:30.  We took our time, and stopped at several large waterfalls.  One of them is the second largest year-round fall in the U.S. The meeting point was at the top of a large hill, so once we met the alumni it took us very little time to get the rest of the way into town.  The Alumni club threw us a barbaque lunch, and then we went to kennedy school for showers.  We got to the church at around 6.  Most people went out for dinner.  We also got a HUGE donation from Panera.  People spent time until they went to bead eating.

The Rose City

Portland was indeed a treat. We started off the morning today by attending the first ever Northwest Cancer Summit, a conference on cancer survivorship. Seminars on everything from sharing your personal cancer story to advocacy topics were hosted by a wide variety of speakers. The event was both educational and inspiring to see. Afterwards, everyone headed out to explore what's been called the most bike-friendly city in America, especially one of the team's favorite activities: visiting bike shops! And Portland definitely had quite a bit to see. Alas, our stay cannot be prolonged, and tomorrow we venture on to finally dive into the Pacific Ocean - a 90+ mile day to Seaside!

Cascade Locks, OR

We're in the middle of the Columbia River Gorge, at a town called Cascade locks, which is surrounded by luscious pine covered hills. The river runs wide here, which tells us we're getting close to the Pacific...just one more day until Portland, and Seaside thereafter! The excitement on the team is tangible.

We had a relaxing, awesome ride today. There was a benfit ride along our route, raising money for a cure for diabetes. The people administrating the tour were generous with us. Praveen and I both were given delicious root beer. We saw some blackberry bushes along the way, and were able to have some snacks. We also saw a beautiful bald eagle pass overhead. I loaded up on cherries for the ride at Safeway, and I was able to snack for the entire ride. This morning at the outset of the ride, we stopped at McDonalds and enjoyed some coke and pancakes. The people working the counter set us up with a bit of softserve, to make the pancakes extra special. As we rode by Mt Hood, we were able to watch clouds gather like a halo at the top. There were many wavy columnar joints at our side, before we reached the Cascade Gorge. Finally, I invented what I call the Winkenbow. It involves a wink, and a nugde from my elbow. Hey, you can take the boy out of the midwest, but you can't take the midwest out of the boy!
Until then, John

Merry Christmas in July!!

Christmas in July has come and gone, and what a day we had!  We traveled from Umatilla, OR to Biggs, OR.  As we trekked 87 miles to our campground we hit forceful headwinds and hot desert heat but it couldn't stop us from enjoying our ride.

Today we hit more road construction being once again piloted 7 miles out of the gravel and newly paved asphalt.  Although we got a ride, the roads were still bumpy which in turn affected our speed in journey.  Some of the riders were able to beat the afternoon heat with another swimming adventure at Lake Umatilla in Roosevelt.  However, following the swim we climbed out of the river valley to even stronger headwinds and a challenging climb.  As we neared the top of the hill, we found our teammates tangled in blackberry brambles!!  What a delicious surprise, a perfect reward for the effort it took to make it up the hill.  A few of us even filled up spare water bottles with fresh picked blackberries.

As we arrrived to Merryhill State Park which was actually on the Washington side of the river, we began our Christmas celebrations.  An amazing meal was cooked by Ben and John filled with lots of veggies, rice and potatoes.  Afterwards we gathered around the pine tree where our secret santa gifts were piled high, and revealed our roadside ($5 budget) finds.  We then wrapped up the night with the campfire staple...S'MORES!!


Today was a GORGE-ous day!!!  We rode through the Columbia river gorge after starting off the day with a one mile ride to a morning booster at McDonald's.  It was a really dramatic (and wonderful) change from yesterday's deserts.  As we headed to our stayover at Cascade Locks, we could see Mt. Hood in the distance, a sure sign that we were closing in on our final destinations. 
For a portion of the ride, we climbed to the top of Rowena Crest where we found a beautiful view from the top of the bluffs.  Along our route, we rode with several cyclists participating in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure.  It was a nice change in pace to see more cyclists than cars.  Oregon's Historic Columbia River Highway was really friendly to cyclists, and the people sponsoring the Tour de Cure ride even replenished our riders with bananas and locally brewed root beer. 
The transition from the scenic highway to Interstate 84 was really loud despite the generous shoulder.  It made us appreciate some of the more cyclist-friendly back roads.  Although I-84 wasn't ideal, we were once again surprised to find an abundance of blackberry bushes all along the highway!
As we made it into Cascade Locks after another long day, we can now look forward to tomorrow's breezy (hopefully not windly) 42 mile ride into Portland.  Andrea and Connie are especially looking forward to paying for plastic bags in Portland due to the new city ordinance to charge $$$ for bags.  Use reusable bags!!!

Amazing Grace

Today we entered the state of Oregon, where we learned how to never underestimate the impossible. As soon as we crossed the border, the road became smooth new asphalt and gained a 15 mile per hour tailwind. Tailwinds have been unheard of throughout the trip, except for the brief portion from Champaign to Chicago. The view was filled with beautiful black sand beaches and columnar joints that traversed the Columbia River. Several of us decided to take a dip in the river from a hot afternoon of riding.

As the eve of Christmas in July ensues we leave you with our warm holiday wishes:

'Twas the night before Christmas in July, when all through the McNary Elementary School
Not a rider was stirring, except for our ride leaders (Nick, Jon, and Sandrew)

The bikes were all ready inside the gym, tires pumped with air
In great hopes that our secret santas will surprise us with cheer!

As we nestle in our sleeping bags to get ready for the next day
We dream about our jerseys and shorts and prepare to fly away.

See you later Oregon, BRB!!

Waitsburg, WA!

We've reached Washington state! We're down to our last 8 days of riding, and looking forward to wrapping up an awesome tour. The past several days have been incredible. Most of the time was spent through Idaho wilderness area and other areas with poor cellular phone reception, so I've been lacking computer access. The scenary and experiences have been amazing, though.

After leaving Missoula, we had a nice climb up to the boarder of the Pacific and Mountain time zones, which coincided with the MT/ID boarder. We took the Lolo pass, which follows the Lochsa river valley. We camped out twice, were able to see some amazing hot springs, and swim in the ice cold river. Needless to say, we had a blast. After exiting the Lolo pass, we toured into some more rural areas of Idaho, and met some really cool people along the way. We wound up our time in Idaho in Lewiston, which acted as our home base for a rest day. I got to see The Dark Night, and really enjoyed it. We went to a really cool place for lunch the next day (the United Methodist Church we stayed at provided our breakfast and dinner-thanks again!) at a unique local place called Waffles N More, where I had a dessert waffle with ice cream, strawberries and blueberries. I also had several cups of good coffee.

On the ride out today, I enjoyed the scenary very much. I got to see some really awesome geologic formations-the columnar joints continue into Washington, and after that, rolling fields of wheat (amber waves of grain). I've already begun to like Washington very much! I can't wait to see more of the state, and to continue towards Portland. Until then, John