Day 44 -Over the mountains!!

Ranchester, WY to Greybull, WY

Today's ride was really awesome, despite all the bad things we had been hearing about the ride.  We finally had to go over the Big Horn Mtns, and Brad had been telling us all week about the trip, which basically consisted of an 18-mile climb, 30 miles of up and down on top of the mountains, and then 18 miles of downhill into Greybull.  We woke up early since the total distance for the day was 80 miles and Sae-bin's parents were coming down to make us dinner tonight, so we wanted to be in Greybull in time for that.  As it turned out, the day was actually a great ride!  The 18 miles of uphill were not the best, but the incline was not too bad, so we were able to make it without too much problems, and we got to look out over the roads we had been climbing and admire the view at almost every turn, so that made up for the climb a bit.  This was the first day that Wyoming was beautiful, and hopefully, this will continue and the grass will stay green, along with the mountains.  After the last two depressing days of dry grass and sand everywhere, the mountains were a welcome sight.
    The Big Horns were beautiful, and we had a great time admiring the scenery, we saw a huge (and very loud) pack of sheep, and even got to play in the snow!  At the lunch stop, Matt Strick, Dave and I arrived second, and looked up and saw that the first group had climbed up a nearby mountain and were playing in the snow on top, so we decided to join, and after 20 minutes of climbing on foot to get there, we had an awesome view, and amazingly enough, got to make snowballs in the 85 degree weather.  And if that wasn't awesome enough, we also were treated to an amazing lunch of sandwiches containing MEAT by Sae-bin's parents!  Having meat anywhere for lunch is a rare occurrence on this trip, so we were very happy.  After lunch, we enjoyed the 18 mile descent out of the mountains, which was pretty crazy, we probably averaged about 35 mph the whole time, and then headed into town, where Sae-bin's parents made us some amazing Korean BBQ for dinner, and everyone ate until they were stuffed.  I checked in with some friends and family after dinner, and finished my latest book, Slaughterhouse Five, so I had a pretty productive day all in all.  Tomorrow is a short ride into Cody, where we hope to catch a rodeo, and also to avoid the rain.

States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 80 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2737 mi

Day 43 - Along the Mountains...

Buffalo, WY to Ranchester, WY

Today was pretty boring, other than the pronghorn that ran in front of us on the highway.  It was caught between two fences on the highway, and was narrowly avoiding cars and as we watched, it got its antlers caught in the barbed wire fence, but managed to get free.  It eventually ran in the other direction, so we don't know what happened to it, but it is sad to see such cool animals caught in today's society, when we know they should be roaming free and not having to worry about highways and barbed wire fences. I also got my third flat in three days and as a result, will be changing my tire tonight so that I don't have to worry about getting flats on tomorrow's tough and long climb.  Once we got into Ranchester, we found a local stream to bathe in since the school that we are staying in didn't have showers, and played around on a rope swing while we were there, but it was really cold water and the current was strong, so we didn't stay too long.  Someone forgot the strainer at dinner last night, so we had an interesting mush of pasta for dinner tonight.  It was supposed to be spaghetti, but basically had the consistency of gnocchi, so that was... interesting.  Hopefully, these kinds of problems can be avoided by the time we get to Yellowstone, where we won't have gas station food to save us.  We also watched "12 Rounds" with John Cena on the projector at night.  If you have the chance to see this movie... don't.  It is absolutely awful.  If you want to laugh at terrible acting and even worse plot lines, you might enjoy this, but otherwise, don't go anywhere near it. Tomorrow we cross the Big Horn Mountains, and are not looking forward to 18 miles of straight climbing uphill.

Animals seen - One panicked pronghorn

States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 55 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2657 mi

Day 42 - Up to the mountains...

Gillette WY to Buffalo WY

The ride today was not that long, and not that exciting, as we made it in with only minor delays, I had a second flat tire in two days.  The St. Luke's church bought us some pizzas, and had an XBox, which kept us all entertained for most of the night.  I also uploaded some pictures, and got some internet surfing done, so the day overall was pretty uneventful.  We did get our first glimpse of big mountains today, we think they are the Big Horn Mtns, and we got to ride almost right up to them today, tomorrow we will follow the base of them north, and the next day, cross them on the way to Yellowstone.

States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 70 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2602 mi

To Yellowstone!

Today the ride to Cody was a nice recovery from the climb yesterday. We started off the ride right after the rain ended and we finished just as a storm was rolling out in Cody. In between was a gradual incline and a headwind, but as we got further west we were able to see the Rockey Mountains in the distance which were beautiful. However, one group was not so lucky and rode through hail and rain- but made it safely to the church. Tomorrow we head into Yellowstone which we are excited about- part for the park and part for our rest day. We are excited to see what beauty lies ahead of us in Yellowstone.

Conquering The Mountains

Today began with an 11 mile climb full of bumpy roads and construction. While taking one of the last passes to the top we were able to look back and see our starting point far below us. Despite the challenging nature of our morning ride we were given some of the most beautiful views that we have had on our whole trip. With snow capped mountains in the background we rode past flower filled mountain meadows and deep river valleys. We were given a special treat when Saebin's parents met us on top of the Big Horns with lunch already set out for us. They also cooked us an amazing dinner tonight to feed our huge appetites from today's ride.The most incredible part of today's ride was of course the 18 mile decent after mile 45. We coasted for about 40 minutes with some groups averaging over 30mph the whole way down. The start of the decent was filled with pine and green fields. As we made our way to the bottom the landscape changed into a beautiful red rock desert. The majority of the team is exausted but we were all awestruck by the incredible scenery we witnessed today. Tomorrow we make our way to Cody before continuing on to Yellowstone. The beautiful is behind us and the best is yet to come!

Onward to the Mountains!

As we continued west it was impossible for us not to be taken aback by the beauty of the landscape that surrounded us. Throughout the day we rode constantly in the shadow of the Big Horn Mountains. We followed a gorgeous country road with an ice melt stream that twisted and turned along our route. We saw a pack of three prong-horned deer at the top of one of the hills and they were running beside us as we biked by. The rest of the ride went by easily since it was a short day with many downhills. When we arrived in Ranchester we heard about a river that was close to where we were staying and went for a swim. While there we found a rope swing and had a lot of fun launching ourselves into the water.
The day ahead of us will be a hard one. The Big Horns loom before us and we can see the first few switch-backs we will be starting on early in the morning. Our initial elevation is around 3700 feet and we will be peaking over 9000. As Conor said "W'll be riding a mile into the sky!" Hopefully we will get to see some snow on the top. Our big part of the ride to look forward to is the 18 mile descent at the 40 mile mark. Wish us luck! 

South Dakota in review

South Dakota was perhaps the most wonderful state that we passed through this trip. The landscape was beautiful, the people friendly, and the weather wonderful. I can't think of a single moment where I found the state boring or monotonous. I think I'll definitely want to come back and see this state again. The strange thing about South Dakota though is the abundance of tourist attractions. I wouldn't be surprised if South Dakota had the highest number of attractions per capita.

The other Buffalo

Right now we're in Buffalo.  Not the home of the Bills, Sabres, Chicken wings, and Nerny that I have grown to love... but Buffalo, Wyoming.  We are at the base of the Big Horn Mountains, which we could see in the distance the whole ride today, at about 4500 feet.

We got in sort of early and I got in a nice run on a trail that ran along this creek, looking at the snow topped mountains the whole time... beautiful.  After I soaked the legs in the cold creek for awhile, which was nice and hopefully will make me feel better tomorrow.  

These mountains are taunting us.  Tomorrow we just ride along side them all day and then the day after is when we are gonna have to finally go over... we are all dreading it.  and so is my back, which has been bothering me lately... im an old man.

We just had some pizza and baked beans for dinner... Right now I'm torn between going to see Transformers across the street and wondering around the downtown and getting some ice cream.  Probably gonna go with the latter. 

My beard is getting pretty nice. 

I am pumped to get to Cody... Its pretty much the only reason I'm on  this pilgrimage...

Not only is it the rodeo capital of the world, but, more importantly, it is the birthplace of Buffalo Bill Cody, the greatest cowboy of all time, and the namesake of the sweetest football team on earth.

Until next time...

Welcome to Wyoming

After a week of riding in South Dakota, which we all enjoyed, we finally reached Wyoming.  Our last ride out of South Dakota was beautiful, we rode through the Black Hills, which were awesome, and went to Mt. Rushmore where we got to see a Greenpeace demonstration.  When we reached to "Welcome to Wyoming" sign, we stopped for some pictures and noticed there was a storm approaching.  We decided to ride the last ten miles really hard, in an attempt to beat the storm. Right as we got into Newcastle, where we would be staying for the night, we noticed the clouds above us were rotating.  We kept riding hard, and right as we pulled in to the stayover the tornado sirens started going off.  According to the radio there was a funnel cloud spotted that came within 200 yards of the ground.  I never got to see it, but some members of our team did.  Despite the storm, nobody ever got rained on.

Yesterday was a relatively flat and boring ride from Newcastle to Gillette, WY.  It was really boring for me, because I was the driver.  While at our stayover in Gillette, I was visted by Rita Rushing, a friend of my grandparents, who now lives in Gillette.  She brought the whole team cookies, which were delicious.  So from everybody in the I4K, we wanted to say thanks for the cookies Rita, they only lasted about 45 minutes.

Today we rode from Gillette to Buffalo.  About 15 miles into the ride, we got our first glimpse of the Rocky Mountains.  They were off in the distance all day, marking our destination, as the town of Buffalo sits at the base of the snow covered peaks.  The sight of the mountains was both awesome and intimidating.  I know the climbs will be tough, but I also know the views and downhills will be worth it.

Keeps Getting Better

The landscape changes keep coming, and with each one I become more and more in awe. South Dakota slowly changed from farmland to cattle country and culminated in the Badlands and the Black Hills. The riding was challenging in the hills, with climbs we haven't seen since the Appalachians, but once our climbing legs woke up it became one of the most enjoyable rides of the trip. The Badlands were phenomenal, even though the tourist traffic made riding a bit life threatening at times.

While in the Black Hills we visited Mt. Rushmore and had the experience of a lifetime, witnessing the Greenpeace banner that's been all over the news. As we stood looking at the monument we noticed some people in climbing gear standing on Lincolns head. As they rappelled down his face they unfurled an enormous banner that read, "America honors leaders, not politicians. Stop global warming." For ten or twenty minuted the climbers struggled to anchor the billowing banner while park rangers and police scrambled to apprehend them. Shortly after they had succeeded in stretching it across the rock face, rangers showed up atop the mountain, rappelling down themselves to arrest the protesters. Once all the climbers were apprehended, the rangers cut the banner loose to applause from the onlooking crowd. Quite an experience.

After seeing Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse we descended into Wyoming while an enormous storm was brewing in the distance. With twenty miles to go our group started to hammer, catching a tail wind and cruising at 30-35 mph. When we entered Newcastle, Wyoming we could see enormous cloud formations rotating in the distance. Some groups behind us saw these turn into violent funnel clouds but nothing that touched ground. Nevertheless, the sirens in the town blared for about twenty minutes and the winds were incredibly fast to our north. Almost enough excitement for one day.

Today we headed west on I-90 since it is the only route to where we're headed. While not the safest path in the world, the drivers out west have been incredibly courteous, with almost everyone giving us a very wide berth  and many giving honks of support and waves out the window. None of that frustration that we often experienced in the east where traffic was heavy and people were in a hurry.

From early in the ride I could see the Big Horn Mountains in the distance, growing closer all day. These are the first snow capped peaks we've seen and I can't wait to ride over them. Word on the street is there is an 18 mile climb followed by an 18 mile descent in a couple days...really hope I don't have to drive the support vehicle that day.

Into the Shadow of the Mountain

Today we got our first glimpse of the Big Horn Mountains.  They were right in front of us for almost the entire ride today, and we got almost right next to them today.  Tomorrow's ride will follow the mountains north, and then we will head straight over them two days from now.  The team is excited but a little nervous to resume climbing real mountains again.  The team arrived in town early today and most of us went to a local shop to get some ice cream.  The church that we are staying at tonight, St. Luke's Episcopal, was kind enough to provide some pizzas for dinner tonight, so the team will head to bed with full stomachs tonight.

It's a big one


Today was much less exciting. The views consisted of endless rolling hills and a cow here and there. The highlight of the day was Cady wiping out about half a foot away from a dead deer. Out of 75 miles of road, fate had him nearly fall into a smelly deer corpse.

In other news, I'm grateful to be in Gillette, WY because it has a Hardees'. The Monster Thickburger was the best thing I've eaten since the last Monster Thickburger I had during the school year.

Some random observations:

  • My writing seems to be getting worse – I may be becoming a meathead!

  • I'm more than half way done with this adventure.

  • The soreness in your legs never ends. As long as there are hills, your legs will be forever sore.

  • It's really creepy riding a bicycle by cows. Every single one will stop what it's doing and turn its head towards you the whole entire time you're in sight.

  • It's really fun starting cow stampedes with bike horns and yelling.


So much can change in just eighty miles. We started the day entering the Black Hills and riding through really dense fog – maximum visibility must have been around 50 feet. After an exhausting 10 mile climb, we came out of the clouds into clear sky and an incredible view of the Hills. The last two miles to Mount Rushmore had some painfully steep hills, but it was well worth it; I was seeing the faces in person for the first time. When we got there, there were some people in climbing gear on top of the faces and they started to climb down the side of Lincoln's face. We soon realized that they didn't work for the park; they unfurled – well, attempted to – a huge banner that read, “AMERICA HONORS LEADERS, NOT POLITICIANS. STOP GLOBAL WARMING. GREENPEACE.” Apparently this ended up on national news, which was pretty exciting since I was witnessing it firsthand.

After leaving Mount Rushmore, we had a few more grueling South Dakotan hills before entering Wyoming. The view from the state border was really cool; you can definitely see over twenty miles away. There was a strong storm going far off and you could see the rain coming down even though it was dry where we were. It looked like we were heading straight for the storm, but when we got under the clouds, there was no rain. We had an incredible tail wind bring us into town; we cruised in at around 34 mph on flat road with minimal effort. There was a really ominous looking cloud looming over the town, New Castle, WY: it was the darkest cloud I've ever seen and it had the shape of something like an alien mothership. Justin noticed that some of the clouds at the bottom were beginning to spin and that's when things began to get exciting and scary. Once we got into town, there were some ridiculous winds blowing in every direction and the tornado siren began to go off. Unfortunately (fortunately in most people's opinion), the storm decided to head away from town and everything became still. The riders in the groups behind us had to find cover in a barn because the winds had become so strong that they weren't able to go forward. I'm really jealous because they got to see the funnel cloud begin to descend. Everyone made it safely to the stayover and we were provided a huge amount of lasagna. Overall, it was a great day.

This July 4th was definitely the best July 4th celebration I've ever had. On the way to the tiny town of Murdo, SD, population 670, many of us bought fireworks from a stand to shoot off later that night. Most of us come from places where fireworks are illegal, so it was exciting to be able to shoot them off ourselves for the first time. Saebin, being a fireworks connosieur, bought the biggest package the stand sold. The box weighed more than most of our bikes, so it must have been over twenty pounds. With just one fuse, it fired off a variety of fireworks for about a minute straight. Before the sun went down, we felt like firing off our smaller fireworks for fun, so we found a spot away from all the houses next to a farmer's field. While we were firing them off, Cady fired off a larger rocket which didn't fly quite high enough and exploded about 3 feet above the field. In the next few seconds, most of us froze up like deer in headlights because the field burst into flames and started spreading really fast. Most of us had never been in a situation like this before so we stood around for a few minutes not knowing what to do until Clinton hopped the barbed wire fence to try to stamp out the fire and gashed his thigh in the process. Some of us followed him over and we must have looked pretty ridiculous trying to stamp out a fire that was spreading too fast with flip flops on. Luckily Jesse came to his senses and called the fire department and they arrived soon enough to save the field. Nervous and embarassed, we stood around and waited for the fire fighters to come over and take down our names and arrest us. To our surprise, they were laughing and in great spirits and told us not to worry at all and drove off. Just another reason South Dakota is the nicest state in the nation.


Today I was dumb and rode for the first time without all my belongings in ziplock bags - it was also one of the rainiest days today. As a result, my iPhone is now dead and I now know that my rain jacket isn't really waterproof. I'm hoping for the best and that it will turn on again after it dries out in the next few days.

Today was also the first time I rode on the interstate intentionally. The road we were on that runs parallel to I-90 ended up a really deep and muddy gravel road, so we made a detour on the interstate instead. It's pretty scary riding on the shoulder of the road while cars are zooming by at over 60 miles per hour, but it's so much faster than riding on country roads.

We had a rest day yesterday in Mitchell, South Dakota, which is a somewhat small town and everyone seems to know each other. We met some really friendly and generous locals there and raised a total of $115 in donations and one man even brought his grill over to where we were staying and grilled us anything we bought from the grocery store. Earlier in the day, we had already stuffed ourselves at a lunch buffet in Pizza Hut. The employees were even nice enough to keep the buffet going for us long after it was supposed to close. This has been a very food-centric trip.

To continue from last time, we rode from Champaign to Clifton, a really small town just North of Champaign. The skies were clear all day and with the sun bearing down on us for so long, we were all sweating like crazy by the time we reached our destination. There was a local pool right across the street from where we were staying and after letting them know about our charity ride, we were let in for free. It felt incredibly refreshing to jump into the pool after sweating and riding hard all day. Of course, we entered the pool through the high dive. To show off my high dive skills, I pulled a double front-flip to faceplant... which hurt for about 10 minutes after.

To our surprise, there was a public pool right by our stayover in Homewood the next day as well – and it was even better: it had a big waterpark-style slide that twisted and turned. During adult swim, we had the entire pool to ourselves, so we got a big game of swimming pool football going. This day was another day on the trip where we were overstuffed with food; the church provided us a large dinner of pasta and lasagna (as usual), and right after, Jesse's mom had a block party going at their place with a ton more food. It turns out Homewood is right by Chicago Heights and so my friend Patty came over and showed me R Kelly's enormous mansion, which also turns out to be right by Homewood.

The next day, we rode into Chicago's Millenium Park and took a bunch of pictures of the giant shiny bean. My next two nights in Chicago were great; I got to sleep in a bed at Justin's house, eat waaay too much meat that his mom bought and cooked for us, and cleaned and fixed up my bike. In nearly 1500 miles, my bike has taken quite a beating from the terrible road conditions we've had to ride through.

From Chicago, we rode on to Highland Park and stayed in Deerfield. We were again well fed with burgers and hotdogs by Matt Strick's family friends (relatives?).

The next day was what I consider one of the best days of the trip so far. After heading into Wisconsin, we had the greatest lunch break ever. We stopped by Kristin's friend's house on a lake and they had a barbecue going for us. While we waited for the food, we jumped into the lake and swam around, which was so refreshing because it was really hot out. We must have spent over two hours there and were pretty reluctant to get back on our bikes to ride another fourty miles. Just to reward us for completing the ride, our stayover was at Brad's lake house right by Lake Geneva, one of the cleanest lakes in Wisconsin. And it was. We spent the rest of the day swimming in that lake and doing synchronized dives off the pier. Brad's parents had hot food waiting for us when we got back to the house. That day was like a day in heaven; I'll always remember it.

I knew the fun had to end eventually, and the next day was one of the hottest days ever. The heat index riding into Madison, WI was around 100 degrees and the sky was completely clear so the sun was roasting us the entire day. This was also the day I learned how much dehydration could affect my performance. I must have sweat out garbage cans full of liquid and was weak and light-headed for most of the ride. I had the hardest time keeping up with the people I was riding with. I definitely know better now.

Now that I've briefly gone over one of the best weeks ever, I won't be doing anymore catching up unless if I feel like writing a huge novel. If you want to know about the days in between when I don't write, you'll have to ask me!

Witnessing History

OK, its kind of late and we just got the internet working so I'm gonna make this sort of quick, even though I took a 4.5 hour nap today and probably won't be able to fall asleep anyways.

Yesterday we rode through the Black Hills National Forest, stopping at Mount Rushmore, which was really amazing.  It was made especially amazing because while we were there, there was a major protest by Green Peace.  It was really perfect timing by us as the whole thing took place for pretty much the two hours while we were there.  I guess this protest has been pretty big news so maybe you've already heard about it... So when we got there, the mountain was normal- pristine and huge.  Then, we saw some people repelling down Abe Lincoln's face.  We overheard a tour guide say that it was just some sort of routine maintenance.  After about a half hour or so, they busted out a huge banner and after it unfurled, we could read "America Honors Leaders, Not Politicians, Stop Global Warming" with a huge picture of Obama.  It was really pretty amazing watching these guys get this thing over the whole mountain as it took some time and at one point one of the guys who was hanging from the corner was just being whipped around in the air.  After quite some time of it being up, some sort of forces got up there and cut it down as people cheered... really cool. 


Last night we had another amazing meal provided by the church in New Castle and I did some maintenance stuff on the bike

Today I wrecked and landed about a foot away from a dead deer carcass, which would of been really gross to land on, but probably would of broken my fall a little.  Now my whole left butt cheek is one big scrape.

Day 41 - Why-oming

Newcastle WY to Gillette, WY

Today's ride was pretty boring, we had cool but sunny weather, and the roads were a little hilly, but not too bad.  I got a flat, my first in a long time, so that slowed us down some, but other than that, the day was spent watching Wyoming go by.  This state is not as pretty as South Dakota so far, it mostly consists of dry grass and huge open expanses.  We didn't see any people for most of the day, and we saw our first traffic light 72 miles into the day, when we were already in Gillette.  All in all a boring day, we are hoping that tomorrow is more exciting, when we ride 70 more miles into Buffalo, WY.

Animals seen - One dead porcupine, a few pronghorns

States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 75 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2527 mi

Day 40 - A Whirlwind of a day

Rapid City, SD to Newcastle, WY

Today was another crazy day.  We started out from Rapid City, SD in heavy fog, and spent the first two hours of the day climbing hills the entire time, and hoping that the fog would clear up before we got to Mt. Rushmore.  It took us 2 hours to get the 23 miles between Rapid City and the monument, which meant we went really slow, but luckily the sun came out and burned off the fog, so by the time we got there, we had a great view of the presidents.  We were actually there on a historic day as well, because there were people on top of the monument when we arrived, and the tour guides told us that they were up there checking the conditions of the rock to make sure that it was still stable.  However, this soon turned out not to be true, as the climbers unfurled a huge sign right next to Lincoln's head, and it turned out that it was Greenpeace, who was staging a huge protest for global warming.  The tour guides were really mad, and it turned out to be a pretty big deal, as I guess people are almost never able to pull things like this off.  Greenpeace was able to stay on the side of the monument for a good hour or two before either the cops arrived or their sign broke, and they took it down.

Anyways, after that, we headed onward, and got to see the huge Crazy Horse monument that is still being built in nearby Custer, SD.  We also met a second person in South Dakota who has seen us passing through Minnesota a few weeks ago, and recognized us, so that was kind of cool.  Finally, we headed on toward our destination for the night, Newcastle, but our exciting day was not over yet.  I was riding in with Conor and Matt Strick, and we had been enjoying the ride, it was very hilly, but not so bad that they were unclimbable, and we were really enjoying the downhills, I topped 40 mph a few times today.  We crossed the border into Wyoming just 9 miles from Newcastle, and took the necessary pictures with the "Welcome to Wyoming," and noticed that bad weather appeared to be approaching, so we decided to try and hurry into town to beat the rain.  Once we got back on the bikes, we had a few miles of this really cool weather where it was beautiful and sunny for miles on our left, and incredibly dark and it looked like it was pouring in the mountains on our right.  We wanted to stop and take pictures because the clouds were so cool and the colors and differences between the two sides of the road were amazing, but as we got closer to town, we started to hear sirens, and thinking that they might be storm warnings, we decided against stopping.  Instead, we would just try to beat the rain in, but just two miles from town, the wind really started picking up, and Conor noticed that the clouds were spinning, which was cool, until Matt Strick realized that they were also coming down towards the ground.  I looked at the clouds, and sure enough, a huge funnel of clouds was getting closer and closer to the ground directly to our right.  We panicked a bit and rode as fast as we could until the funnel was at least a little behind us.  We realized that we were just about 200 feet from a tornado that was about to touch down!!!  It was especially crazy because we were just barely under the clouds, it was totally clear and sunny about a 1/4 mile in front of us, and directly to our left.  The funnel was insane, the clouds were moving really quickly and the wind was getting ridiculous, and we didn't know if it was better to try and outrun the funnel, or just stop and find cover inside.  We sped up as soon as we realized what was happening, but quickly decided that it would be best to get off the road, especially since we were now riding into gusting 50+ mph headwinds, and we really didn't want to get caught in the funnel.  We spotted a row of houses on our left, threw our bikes over the barbed wire fence and hopped it somehow without getting cut, and knocked on a random door.  Thankfully, a really nice couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lee let us in, and waited with us while the tornado passed.  (Thank you so much Lee's!!  Who knows where we would be without you!!) 

    It never ended up touching down, so we probably would have been fine just riding past the half-formed funnel, but it was definitely safer to stop. The groups in front of us arrived in town before the funnel, and the groups behind us saw the funnels forming from a few miles back, but no one else ended up getting caught in the storm.  I also was a little disappointed that I didn't get any pictures of the funnel, but I was much more concerned about getting inside somewhere safe and living through the day.  All in all, it was one of the craziest moments of my life, and I was more scared for my life than I have ever been, but it makes for a great story, and was a great adrenaline rush to end an exciting and memorable day.

States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 80 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2452 mi

We are not in Kansas anymore

No joke. Yesterday's ride from Rapid City to New Castle, WY was extremely eventful. To start off, the first 20 miles were pretty tough, hills around every corner. And the last 2 miles were especially steep, but it was more than worth it when we got to the top and rode into Mount Rushmore. As we were taking pictures and talking to a bunch of people about our cause, some people on the mountain dropped a HUGE banner right next to Lincoln's face (the far right) that said: "America Honors Leaders Not Politicians. Stop Global Warming." as a critique on the current president Barack Obama (a picture of him was also on the banner). It turns out it was Greenpeace and it was awesome. Apparently, no one's ever really done something like that on the mountain before so we were pretty lucky to see something like that.

Lots of the people there were curios about our cause and it was a lot of fun talking to them. Some were cyclists, some cancer survivors, some just inspired. That was really awesome.

The ride leaving the park was awesome too, great downhills. Tons of cars, but that was expected. The last 20 miles of the ride were crazy too. We were riding under the most amazing/scary looking clouds ever and thought it was all well and good. Plus, we had this huge tailwind and were cruising easily at 30mph. Suddenly the wind changed on us almost blowing us over! We heard tornado sirens going off in the distance and could see the beginnings of a funnel forming ahead of us. So, we booked it as fast aswe could into town since we were only a few miles out. If it had gotten any worse, we would have had to seek shelter somewhere. Luckily, we made it to the church safely sans tornado touching down anywhere near us. Plus we got an extremely delicious meal from the church. Man, that food was great.

Today's ride was pretty flat in comparison to the hills we've been seeing. Wyoming is pretty quiet so far, so we'll see how that goes. The ride was a little shorter too (75 miles) so we just played games and talked for most of ride which was fun as usual.

Mt. Rushmore & Wyoming

The ride through Mt. Rushmore was really exciting, but long. When we rolled into Mt. Rushmore we witnessed the Greenpeace protest in which they hung a banner next to Lincoln saying "America wants leaders not politicians" & "Decrease Global Warming." According to the tour guide, that was the first time anything like that had ever happened. 

The ride then continued through the black hills, which were absolutely gorgeous. Even though we spent more time riding, the hills and scenery kept our minds off the time, so the ride didn't seem as long as it actually was.

Almost as soon as we entered into Wyoming, we saw a storm off to the right of us. We didn't really think anything of it at first, but the sky kept getting darker and darker. Slowly, the wind started to pick up. By this point, we decided to waterproof ourselves and pick up the pace. Within about ten minutes, the severity of the storm had increased ten-fold. We then received a text message from one of the riders, who had already arrived at the stayover, saying that the sirens were going off and there were tornadoes in the area. To our left, it was sunny, and the right we saw this horrible storm with funnel clouds. Luckily, the group I was in beat the storm, but another one of the groups had to pull over and take cover in a house nearby.

We were warmly welcomed into our stayover with a delicious meal, and relief to top it off.

The ride today was pretty uneventful compared to yesterday. My group played a few games, including a revised form of catchphrase.


Today was not nearly as interesting as yesterday. In fact, about the best we can do is describe all the road kill we saw today. It's been a while since we've seen road kill, so Wyoming was a strange throwback to our rides on the east coast. We saw a couple of deer today in addition to our first porcupine.
Other items of note include that we did yoga for today's Mosher activity, it was different and refreshing. We also had a number of tire problems, including a broken valve stem and a couple of flat tires.
Tomorrow we ride to Buffalo along I-90, a stretch of road with no gas stations or towns for a whole 65 miles. Wish us luck!