Day 47: Thermopolis, WY to Riverton, WY

Today’s ride was dedicated to a few people. First, we dedicated the ride to Steve Dykes who battled brain cancer, Martha and Joseph Vinton who battled skin and lung respectively, Leota Hardy who battled lung cancer, and Rick Hardy who also battled lung cancer. Yesterday we were interviewed by a very kind local for the newspaper and he shared the stories of these individuals. We kept them in mind as we rode today.The ride was also dedicated to Ally Cramer. Ally is an incredibly strong young woman whom my aunt is very close to. Ally is only 20 years old and was diagnosed with a brain tumor last September. Since then, she has had 2 surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, and just finished her 5th round of chemo. She seems to be doing very well which we are thankful for. The team also rode with her strength and determination in mind today.Today started off with an absolutely beautiful 20 mile ride through a valley in the mountains right alongside a river. It was truly an experience that I am so thankful to have gotten, and one that we will never forget. It was hard to top that view for the rest of the ride, but the day went really quickly as we only had 55 total miles today. This meant that we were able to get to the stayover and relax, shower, and nap!!! Everybody has been pretty tired after our camping evening, so it was great to have a lot of time for a mid-day sleep.The stayover this evening is at the Riverton Branch Library! They have a beautiful library that we were able to access during their open hours, as well as a kitchenette we are able to use and a whole room to ourselves to sleep in. It’s pretty fun switching it up and being in a library! We also want to give HUGE shout-outs to some local restaurants that provided us food this evening. First we were able to get coffee or smoothies from the Roasted Bean & Cuisine which was amazing and refreshing. Then, we all went to the Claimsteak Restaurant and could pick a meal to eat for free, which filled us all up. We also got a sandwich donation from the Trailhead Restaurant that includes a salad, cookie, and chips which we will get to eat tomorrow. We always feel so lucky to find these food places that are so generous to us. Not only do they give us food, but they are always so kind and caring and interested in our cause.Today’s shout-out goes to Anisha, who is a real trooper and is always positive. Today Anisha got 2 flats back-to-back, but still showed up to the stayover with a smile on her face. She is always a lot of fun to spend time with, and is getting really good at changing a flat tire now because she has had to many lately.