Day 5: Syracuse, NY to Palmyra, NY

Today’s ride was dedicated to the incredibly strong woman who we had the honor of conducting a portrait with yesterday evening. She shared her entire story with us and showed profound courage and honesty. Those who were present during the Portrait can agree that we are all incredibly humbled and inspired by her, and were thankful for the chance to talk to her.Today was a 66.7 mile ride on a fairly flat route compared to the past few days! For most of the ride, we were on a NY state bike route that was very smooth and well-maintained. Because we left on time this morning and there was not a lot of wind, we rolled in to the stayover super early and had time for showers, bike repairs, raincoat shopping (a whole other story), and exploring! Palmyra happens to be home to the only intersection in America with four churches on each corner, and was the founding place of Mormonism.We want to give a major shoutout to our stayover, the Canal Town Fellowship Church. They gave us a home cooked meal with cookies!!! and plenty of company and entertainment before and during dinner. We are all feeling so thankful and relaxed this evening after having free time and a delicious meal.Rider Shoutout: Today, our team had a goal to roll out at 7AM. That is our usual roll out time, but we have been leaving later every day so far. Marc went above and beyond to make sure that we were on time today - he literally RAN out of the stayover to make sure that his stuff was in the van extra early. Marc also has a very positive outlook and a genuine love for biking, which is definitely contagious! He also happens to be one of our mechanics, which is very helpful as our bikes experience anything from minor to major malfunctions or needed adjustments each day.