Day 74

Hello world!Sorry for dropping the ball last night. Yesterday was a long, hot day on the bike. The California sun and heat finalllllly found the I4K riders. I thought that we brought the cloudy, gloomy weather because that’s how it’s been the first few days. But as of yesterday, I can see why it’s called the sunshine state.After a tough ride, we were pleasantly surprised with a... POOL PARTAAAAAY! Round 2 whoop whoop! Church member Deb was so generous and open her house up to the team until the church let us in. She had this adorable backyard with a cute patio canopy thing and a lovely pool :) I’d love to live Deb’s life. Her house is adorable! She also fed us dinner and it was amazing.SUPER excited for tonight because we’re going to live like royalty. Sophie’s grandma was kind enough to put us up in a HOTEL for the night. How crazy is that???Many updates to come. I’ll keep y’all posted.We’re down to the nitty gritty folks.As Caroline’s wake up song for the day would put it: “It’s the final countdown, do do do doooooo, do do do do do”Marge