Day 64 and 65 - update

Hello world!Yesterday we biked 90 miles into Bend, OR for our 10th rest day of the trip. It was fantastic because the ride didn’t even feel like 90 miles! We decided to form a riding group dedicated to Lady GaGa fans on the team. It was amazing because we got to listen to GaGa’s albums straight through and hear how she has evolved as a music artist... pretty neat in all honesty. Throughout the whole day I was thinking about my Uncle Brian who passed away a few years ago and was a huge Lady GaGa fan. He was the one that would tell my cousins and I to always be true to ourselves and don’t let anyone rain on our parade, so I try to live by that. I love and miss that dude every day!Side note: If you have a favorite band/artist, I recommend doing that one day because you’ll get to see/hear how they grow during their time in the music industry.Also... we finally had our first citing of civilization in Oregon after 3 ish days so that was refreshing! When we were about 30 miles from Bend, we spotted a few mountain peaks in the distance! These were so so so pretty and created a nice distraction for the rest of the ride.A few I4K alums road tripped from Washington to camp in the Bend area and donated wings for dinner for the team! Twas delish and greatly appreciated :)The night ended with a trip to THE LAST BLOCKBUSTER EVER IN THE WORLD. I obbbbvi got a membership because why the heck not!? Seriously though... walking into that store was like a time machine. The smell is still the same, they use computers from the 90s, they still have Supersize Me on the shelf... you get the gist.Today a group of us drove to Mt. Bachelor for a nice hike and my oh my, Oregon. You leave me speechless.This state is unbelievable and is my fav of the trip so far. We trekked up to 9000 feet of elevation and it was well worth it. At the top, we were able to see the Three Sister Mountains, Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson. It was gorgeousssss.We treated ourselves to a pit stop at Sonic on our way back... I think the last time I was there was in 7th grade after a softball tournament in Moline, Iowa with my daddo hahaha. If you’re wondering, yes they still go around in those uncomfy looking rollerskates but yes I’m still jealous and kinda wish I worked there for that very reason.Tonight’s dinner was donated by my OUTSTANDING parents so thank you thank you thank you mom and dad for feeding me and my team. Everyone was very grateful and some told me to tell y’all that they love you. So there ya go.I’m sorry this blog is xxxxtra long today, I’m just really in love with this state and this day has been 10/10.Tomorrow we only have 50 miles or so, so hopefully we’ll get in at a decent time!Hot diggity dog.Marge