Day 62: Oh hey, John Day!

My apologies for no blog post yesterday, we were camping with no access to WiFi. A little recap from yesterday’s ride. We rode 85 miles from Ontario to Unity, Oregon. All of us came to an agreement that yesterday was one of the most difficult rides of the whole summer. The climbing and headwinds were a real treat. We also had two very long and large climbs. Regardless of all the hills that kept appearing behind every canyon and corner the groups kept moral high and with Steven in mind “just kept chugging”.Today the team rode 50 miles from Unity to John Day, Oregon. We got to see trees again and needless to say it was one exciting site to see. We passed through several national forests today as well which consisted of beautiful pines that spaned for miles. It was a little preview for the Redwood Forest. There was construction so the whole team got the supergroup and climb some of the hills together. What a cool feeling to climb as a whole team. There were a few big climbs today but there were no headwinds so the day was infinitely easier. The short miles always brings about a more energetic day. A few groups took breaks, one went to Dairy Queen to treat themselves after the climbs.Today the ride was dedicated to a women we met at a convenience store the other day. She had battled ovarian cancer in the past year. A huge thank you to Caroline’s family ( Rita and Karen) for donating Subway for dinner.~Tailwinds~MandyFlat count: 0Song of day: One Tree Hill -U2Memorable moment: Seeing pine trees everywhere and getting a glimpse of the faint mountains in the distance after coming up a large hill.