Day 58: Oh Boise!

Today the team rode 82 miles from Glens Ferry to Boise, Idaho! It was a tough ride due to cumulative toll from days prior, overexposure to heat, and the dry desert climate. The route wasn’t the most exciting so today groups passed the time by singing and asking funny questions. Realizing we only have 18 days left makes the time that we do have to joke, laugh and get to know one another that much more important. Today we also got to ride on the interstate for several miles which was a thrill for many people. At the stayover we spent our time getting Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and learning the newest dance craze.Special thanks to Elias’ parents for donating dinner for tonight. We got Chipotle burritos and it was fantastic! Also thank you to our hosts at Cathedral of the Rockies. Today’s ride dedication was for a lady Maggie met in Steamboat springs who was very thankful for what we are doing because he mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.~Tailwinds~MandyFlat count: 3Song of the day: Paradise - George EzraMemorable moment: Teaching Mike, Matt and Elias the shiggy danceRider Spotlight: Eric Ma (Lord MA)What's been the best part of I4k so far?Having rest days because I feel tired often so I enjoy resting and sometimes the team will do something together which is fun.Favorite rest stop snack?:Lemon protein bar or beef stickWhat's your favorite type of music?/Favorite pump up song on the bike?I like piano music.What do you do when you are struggling on the bike?I look down the road and just keep pedaling.If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?I would try to be more outspoken! I want to appear more positive.What's your dream place to live?In big cities, somewhere dry.. still deciding the specifics. Maybe CaliforniaWhat place are you most looking forward to on the ride or liked the most?I liked Colorado! It was very beautiful and I liked the mountains.What has been your favorite day on I4K so far?I enjoyed Berthouds pass. I went up the mountain very slow but we got there. The downhill was also very fun. I like to see my hard work paying off.Team Knife or spoon?Team knife for peanut butter and spoon for jelly.If you could have any superpower what would it be?Mind reading so I can know what to say to people!What's been the most challenging part of the ride?The most challenging part of the ride is the rainy days. I get really cold and I don’t enjoy being wet.New edition to a crayon box what would you be?Bovine Brown: because I moo at cows!