Day 57: Poppin tires all the way to Glens Ferry

Today the team road 70 miles from Twin Falls to Glens Ferry, Idaho. Today was long, hot and windy. It got up to 100 degrees mid afternoon with 12 mph headwinds the majority of the day. Needless to say we all feel very exhausted and drained from today’s ride. This morning we got to see base jumpers, which was super cool! Also while riding through the farm country we were attacked by Petsmart as Maggie would say. A herd of 5 dogs came out of the blue and started chasing us all on bike. We tried yelling and they weren’t even phased! Spraying water and ringing bells ended up doing the trick. We then had several other encounters with dogs for the next few miles which kept us on our guard.I would like to thank our amazing hosts tonight at The United Methodist Church. They made the most incredible dinner, complete with homemade bread. I may have had a few too many pieces hehe.~Hoping for Tailwinds~MandyFlat count: 11... Idaho has bad roadsSong of the day: Pump up the jamsMemorable moment: Getting ice cream at the end of the hard day at a fudge shop across from the churchRider Spotlight: Helen MendezWhat's been the best part of I4k so far?Seeing the different parts of the country and having my expectations be different than I thought it would be. Also meeting everyone on the team.What is your signature dance move?Swerve: shifting arms right and left while snapping. It works with any song!Favorite rest stop snack?:Chocolate anything. Hershey’s is a go to. Cheese it’s and chocolates satisfies my sweet and salty cravings.What's your favorite type of music?/Favorite pump up song on the bike?Alternative. Feeling good remixWhat do you do when you are struggling on the bike?Try to not think about how hard it is. Try to think of my family and support system!If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?There is a lot of times I hold myself back. I would like to get out of my box more!What's your dream place to live?In a place that’s urban and also close to nature. Seattle seems up my alleyWhat place are you most looking forward to on the ride or liked the most?I’m looking forward to Oregon and Crater Lake.What has been your favorite day on I4K so far?It was a century ride where it was pouring rain and the whole time I felt worried but we sang Disney songs and sang “it’s gonna be a bright sunshiny day”. It was a bittersweet momentTeam Knife or spoon?Team Knife because I only eat peanut butterIf you could have any superpower what would it be?Flying would be cool!What's been the most challenging part of the ride?The most challenging part of the ride has been trying to lift myself when I’m low so I don’t sink into a negative hole.New edition to a crayon box what would you be?Cloudy Blue: it’s a very light hearted color and I am very carefree and go with the flow.Favorite pair of socks: My Brazil socks because of the World Cup! My Chicago socks to represent my roots