Christina Su dedicated the ride today because she found out that her grandmother has recently found cancer cells.At this point, any ride that is under 70 miles the team considers an easy ride, even though today’s ride was 68.6 miles. Although we expected rain, once again, we lucked out and didn’t even see drizzle as we rolled out. With near perfect conditions: warm but not too sunny, a tailwind, and clear and well paved roads, the first 40 miles practically flew by. So far Minnesota takes the prize on state with the best maintained roads. However, a half mile of construction led us to an extra 3-mile detour which included walking our bikes through a gravel road.We arrived in Montevideo (Minnesota, not Uruguay) at around 2:30 today. Within 10 minutes of arriving at the Montevideo Middle School most of the team claimed a spot (pro tip: always go for a space with an outlet), had set up their sleeping bags, and took a well-deserved post ride nap.Today’s unexpected happening was McDonald’s donation hooked up by Mason “Floridaman/dolphin killa” Metzkes. It is nice to not have to worry about calorie consumption on ride days, and because of this, many of us got a hamburger side along with our free fries and double cheeseburgers. When I think about it, we don’t actually even eat that many “nutritional foods”. Some weeks we don’t see a single vegetable on our plates, unless you consider tomato sauce on pizza a vegetable (I know the FDA does). Hopefully I will be able to resume healthier habits once this is all over. For now I will live in ignorant bliss of the my daily fat count as long while I spend 8+ hours a day on a bike.On the CLIF bar diet for now.MB