Our stay over this morning provided a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, yogurt, fruit and granola. The pancakes gave us a positive start to the day because it is always nice to have a hot meal. After breakfast we got together for our ride dedication, which was requested by a previous rider. We dedicated our ride to Marie Koenig, who is battling brain cancer. Her Aunt Alice is doing the 1 million steps challenge on October 1st, which is 500 miles.Our route today was pretty nice. Some of the roads were a little bumpy, but most were generally unpopulated. It was a nice change of pace, and we really enjoyed being able to ride next to each other and talk. The terrain became very desolate today. Everything was very dry and we could see all the way to the flat horizon line. We all commented on how it felt like a desert. The positive side of that is that there was very little climbing today. It got very warm at the end, but we all got done by 2:30.We all relaxed for a bit before we got shuttled to showers. Our stay over then provided a great lasagna dinner and cake. We continue to be thankful for the hospitality we are the lucky recipients of.DR