Day 25

We started the day a bit late today because of some storms in the morning. Once the thunder had passed, we headed out of Webster City. The ride was dedicated to Larry from yesterday's portrait.We had a fabulous tailwind all day for the 82-mile ride to Storm Lake, Iowa. In the first rest stop in Fort Dodge, a policeman told our group to leave because the river was flooding! At our 60-mile rest stop, we got a portrait of Edward who is a 2-time survivor of cancer. We arrived pretty early to the Storm Lake United Methodist Church, and discovered a room full of glorious couches. We got showers at Buena Vista University, and then a great dinner prepared by the church. The church also invited reporters from the Pilot Tribune and the Storm Lake Times to talk to us for local newspaper articles. We also recorded another portrait from Virginia whose daughter died of cancer. Some of us went water skiing with the youth group, and others watched the awesome LEGO Movie on the massive television in the awesome couch room.Fun fact: this is the furthest that Illini 4000 has ever biked in a 4-day span and it was 369 miles total, from Rockford to Storm Lake. Fun fact #2: we are very close to the highest point in the state! Fun fact #3: we rode through Pocahontas County today! Everything is awesome!