Day 13

Tailwinds are rare, yet wonderful blessings to our team! Nothing stood in the way of our destination as clear skies and sunshine beckoned us onward. The day started off well with cookies, doughnuts, and fresh fruit provided by First English Lutheran Church. We dedicated the ride to Christy's long-time swim coach who passed away at an early age from cancer. Rolling 73 miles felt short compared to yesterday's century. Still, each 20-mile segment ends with a rest stop which comes as a great relief, providing the energy to carry on. Some groups used the "cruise to chill" pace, and others, particularly Jeff, Josh, and Conner, flew across the Indiana roads in less than 4 hours rolling time.The rest of us arrived in Indy at a more normal time, yet early enough to chill out some. Our stayover for tonight is Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, where a nice cozy room is available for our bicycles and this wonderful thing called sleeping. The Indianapolis Alumni Club (previous I4K-ers) came by and brought us Fazoli's pasta. We spent the rest of the night hanging out in the church and around the city.