Only the Beginning of the Adventure

As you read this post, do yourself a favor and listen to this wonderful Narnia soundtrack, called "Only the Beginning of the Adventure": it is indeed an adventure upon which we embark. Here we are at day -2, soon to begin a marvelous journey which will bring us from ocean to ocean. Today as we arrived at Union Station in Chicago, we filled the Great Hall with a nervous, excited energy, 20 bicycles, riders, board members, alumni, and families. There is so much to be thankful for that we have even made it to this point together, and much more gratitude than simple words on a page can express.As we all gathered together, there was all sorts if fun, from comparing who had stuffed their Australian rucksack fullest, to trading of goody-bag snacks, a kind gift from the directors and alumni to riders. We all received 2 team shirts, too. Blake sold awesome I4K pins (he has over 200 of them!) to us for a suggested donation of $5 each. Shameless plug that you should buy one!Then, we all headed downstairs to a garage-like area to put our bikes into boxes. We removed pedals, twisted handlebars, and anxiously watched on as our precious stress were loaded as cargo into cardboard boxes. Eventually we were cut loose to run around Chicago in search of dinner, then more waiting... And now we're on the train! Lots of sleeping people! Walder, Blake, and Isalia are driving the van to the city while the rest of us lounge on this wonderful train. Good night everyone, see you next time... In New York City!