Day 7

We have arrived in Pittsburgh, the destination we've all been waiting for! Today's ride was easier than any of the past few. After all we've been through already as a team, it was great to know there is a rest day ahead. Following a breakfast of bagels, cereal, and watermelon, we rolled out of Mount Pleasant for a 50-mile ride dedicated to David Walder's mom.The ride was relaxing for a change: after 10 miles of rolling hills, we found ourselves on a bike path along the Youghiogheny, then Monongahela Rivers. Flat paths were a relief from the difficult climbing days of the past week. We arrived to the Pittsburgh stayover early in the day. Eastminster Presbyterian Church is hosting us tonight and tomorrow. This church was coordinated by Johnny Cagwin, a pastor at the church which has hosted us in the past. He helped us out by asking Eastminster to provide that space this year. The Cagwin family then invited us over to their house for pizza, a party which involved children, team soccer games, and volleyball. It was so much fun to connect with the families and friends at the home.We concluded the night with X-men, blanket forts, and hair dying. We're enjoying Pittsburgh tonight and looking forward to our bodies recuperating somewhat by Monday morning! Good night; I4K out!!!