Day 2

Every day is different in Illini 4000.  Today’s ride from North Brunswick, NJ to Philadelphia, PA was similar in distance, but far less urban.  We appreciated some roads free of stoplights, and few cars – today is Memorial Day!  As we took a moment to remember all those who have fought for our country and gave their lives for our freedom, some of us had personal connections.  Beyond that, we are entirely grateful for the opportunity to live in a free country where we can take amazing trips such as this.  We are a rather patriotic bunch and this has already been and will be an awesome chance to get to know and love the United States and its people better.As a team, we dedicate each day’s ride to a specific individual affected by cancer, and it motivates us.  Today was dedicated to Christy’s best friends’ mother.  For many, it was the first time ever riding two long days in a row.  Despite the warmer weather, we pressed onward.  Our route brought us through New Jersey into Pennsylvania – state #3! In Philadelphia, we were warmly greeted at the Calvary United Methodist Church with a great warm dinner and a tour of the church.  In the evening, many went in search of Philly Cheese Steaks and this strange, wonderful frozen treat called “water ice.”  Thank you John, 2013 rider, for the water ice!