It's 90% attitude

We're just 24 short days away from departure, and things are pretty exciting here in Champaign-Urbana. Trainings have been speeding by. We're practicing how to be safe cyclists, we're seeing so many parts of the region, and we're learning to call out when there's a hole or stick or parked car or territorial dog to be aware of. Last Saturday we rode a total of 60 miles to and from Allerton Park. I had to stop after about 40 miles because I was having sharp piercing pains in my back - specifically the space between my spine and right shoulder blade, which I learned is the rhomboid muscle and/or lower traps (#themoreyouknow). After visiting two physical therapists, it was concluded that I need therapy for these weeks leading into our departure...and that I should lay low for a while until I get going with correcting exercises. This past week and weekend the team rode 25 miles in a Champaign loop and 75 miles to and from Kickapoo State Park... without me.To say I was disappointed is an understatement. Rather than taking the roads around central IL, my past week was chock full of foam rolling exercises and really lacking in bike time. I spent some time moping around, laying in bed feeling sad for what happened. But then I came to a turning point. (HERE'S WHERE IT GETS POSITIVE. HANG IN THERE, DEAR READER.) My turning point was all about perspective. Sure, my shoulder precludes me from riding my bike because of the position of my handlebars and the strain on my back. But my legs work - I can run. And you bet I have been! Sure, I can't ride my bike right now. But I can look at it all day long and dream about when I'll be riding again. And you bet I have been. It's true what they say - life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react.Cancer affects people all over the world, and so many of those affected say it's all about your attitude. Diagnoses don't change, but attitudes do. Our Portrait on Debbie Richardson touches just that. Debbie is from Wheeling, West Virginia, and the 2012 Bike America team interviewed her about her diagnoses with breast cancer and thyroid cancer."But I do think your attitude, your outlook on things, has a tremendous effect on your recovery. I think it’s so easy to feel bad for yourself, but you have to look beyond that."Perspective is a powerful thing.