Waiting for the Sun

First, please listen to this song on repeat while you're reading this blog post.Great! Now that that's set, please prepare yourself for the cheesiness that will somehow come full circle to the include the title of this post. If you've read either of my previous posts you know what I'm talking about. I refuse to acknowledge how tacky it is. Sorry. Also sorry if you're half a minute through that song and you've realized how much you dislike psychedelic rock. But I'm not really sorry because The Doors are great and we should both listen to them more often. Anyway...Spring break! We made it! And no matter where in America you're reading this from you'll probably agree when I say that this winter has been the longest and coldest I can remember. I'm sad to admit that between school, some traveling, and the nasty weather I've only been out on my bike for one real ride (which Christy talks about here!) this semester. However, regardless of what the weather is or will be, that's all about to change. Outdoor training rides begin in only 10 days. This is beyond exciting because, since we're already well on our way with fundraising and gear shopping, its essentially the last hurdle we have to jump over as a team before we actually leave for the ride.Before we actually leave for the ride. Wow. I can't believe how close that time actually is! It seriously feels like yesterday I was impatiently waiting to hear back from the Illini 4000 on whether or not I had been accepted to the 2014 Trek Bike America Team.  Now, a blink of an eye later, we're all here. We're standing with our bikes feeling self conscious in our spandex outfits. It's been cold out, but the weather is starting to turn. We're unsure of what the future will hold and have no idea what we're going to learn, but we've been told and we think we agree that its important. So the time has finally come, and in 10 days you'll be able to find us loitering in a parking lot waiting for the sun.