
PhoenixIt's hard to believe that this day is finally here!  Today I brought my bike home.  It was a one-week wait from the time I bought this baby, to the time I brought it back to Stratford House.  The fitting was a cool process which took about 3 hours, including shoes and pedals.  A number of adjustments were made and now my bike is super comfy.  As you may have guessed from the title of this blog posting, the bike's name is Phoenix.  It is a Domane 4.5 WSD, which is a carbon fiber bike with higher-level components than those of the Lexa SLX, the aluminum bike I was originally looking at.  I'm sorry that this posting is so brief but I just wanted to update you all that now I have a bike!  And I'm kind of obsessed with it...  This machine will bring me across America!  Okay, that's all for now, more pictures coming later.  :)