Upcoming Info Sessions!

First of all, thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth on Quad Day. It’s great to see so many people excited to hear about this organization!
Over the next couple of weeks, The Illini 4000 will be holding several information sessions to tell you more about the mission of our organization and our annual cross country bike ride. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. These sessions will take place:
Tuesday 8/27 from 7-8pm
Wednesday 8/28 from 7-8pm
Tuesday 9/3 from 8-9pm
Friday 9/6 from 7-8pm
All info sessions will be held in English Building 259. All of the sessions will contain the same information, so you only need to attend one.
If you are interested in applying for the 2014 Bike America Team, you are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to understand the expectations that will be placed upon you over the next year. If you are sure you wish to be part of our 2014 Bike America Team, apply now!  If you have any questions, please contact Connor, our Director of Team Development, at teamdevelopment@illini4000.org.