Just 2 Days in Idaho

I was blown away by the immense love and support we received while in Idaho. On our ride in, we recieved good news after good news. At our first rest stop, 20 miles in, after climbing the Teton Pass and entering Idaho, we'd be stopping at a gas station/ cafe, and the owner was donating our lunch, a sandwich, chips, a cookie, and drink. This much needed meal was so much appreciated and helped us carry on to our next rest stop, where we would find out that our stay over was making us tacos! They'd be providing us with showers, pool, hot tub, and sauna access, as well. Idaho Falls certainly did not disappoint.The following day, we headed South to Pocatello, Idaho. At one of rest stops, a generous woman opened up her cafe for us to use the bathrooms. she also gave us cookies the size of our heads. They were so good. Upon arrival in Pocatello, we met some incredible people. They immediately shuttled us to Idaho State University for showers, and they left some great post ride snacks out for us. Pocatello has one of the largest cancer support groups in the country. It was amazing to meet some of the people in the group and sit in on one of their meetings. These people have not let cancer take over their lives. Their stories and outlooks were inspiring, and I am so glad to have met them.