Flat/Downhills + Tailwinds + Heat Intimidation = The falcon day of the trip

After a 100 degree, 100 mile day yesterday, we were determined to finish our 73 mile day today before the sun had a chance to heat everything up again. A combination of tailwinds, downhills, and rider determination propelled all groups to the finish before noon; some even made it in before 10:30! It was amazing to be able to say "Let's have brunch!" after we completed so many miles. Many riders used the extra time after arrival for laundry, phone calls to home, and patching our countless flat tires.We are so grateful of our awesome hosts at the Bethel Baptist Church that cooked up a fantastic barbeque for us this afternoon. As we were leaving, we were also given goodie bags of snacks and T-shirts from Renown Institute for Cancer.We also got a chance to the pastor of the church about his own cancer experience. Scott Davis was diagnosed with stage three embryonic carcinoma when he was 16, with it being only weeks away from stage four. He was given a 60% chance of living longer than five years. He underwent surgery to remove one testicle only to discover that there was a second tumor attached to and bigger than his kidney. Scott underwent four months of intensive chemotherapy. Before his second surgery to remove his kidney tumor, the doctors found a benign tumor in his lung. After his third surgery, Scott underwent another four months of chemotherapy. Although the cancer treatment caused him to miss his senior year of high school, Scott continued to have a positive attitude. “I know that if it is my time to go, I’m gonna go. Then it’s my time to die. I knew this wasn’t gonna kill me. I knew it right away. I had to convince my parents of that.” Scott gave us some advice as his parting words. “Early detection is the key to the cure. Denying it makes it harder. When I would come home and have to go back for antibiotics, I would look sick, almost dead. I would feel sick, I didn’t want to move and I had no energy. But after that last round, once I had accepted everything, you couldn’t tell that there was anything wrong with me. So once you learn what chemo does, accept it. A positive attitude will take you a long way.” Scott is now a twenty-eight year survivor.It is 8:30 pm as we write this, and half of our team is already asleep in anticipation for tomorrows 4:30 am wake up leading into a 95 mile ride into Reno, Nevada. Wish us luck!