Farmers and Palm Trees

Today our team rode 70 miles from Pollock Pines to Sacramento.  Compared to yesterday’s ride, today was pretty flat.  In fact, the team climbed 5,000 feet yesterday and only about 500 today.  In addition to a flat route, the majority of the ride was on beautiful bike trails.  After a tougher ride yesterday, we were more than happy to have a relatively easy ride, away from the traffic on the streets.  A highlight of the day was riding through Placerville.  In Placerville, the team stopped at a farmer's market!  It was full of fresh fruit and baked goods.  We talked to the various vendors and gave out business cards. Some people even received free food! Needless to say, we all enjoyed the short snack stop at the market.  As we got closer to Sacramento, the temperature slowly climbed.  When we arrived at our stay over, though, we were greeted by a sprinkler system.  It was a great way to cool off quickly after a hot day on the bike.  In other news, we only have 4 more days left till we arrive in SAN FRAN!!!!A special thanks to the Chinese United Methodist Church for letting us stay at their church and for cooking us a great barbecue dinner!  Your hospitality and generosity are greatly appreciated.