Our Tour of the Mayo Clinic

This morning we were initially faced with some difficulties due to the weather. We decided the night before to have an early wake up so that we would be on time for our tour at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. However, the thunderstorms set us back a bit and we left later than we expected to. One group didn't leave until later and so Taylor was kind enough to invite them into the church for some coffee, which was very kind of him. Despite the set-backs, all of us rode hard and were persistent so that we made it to Rochester on time. Once we made it to Rochester, we went to take a tour of the Mayo Clinic, and we met the organizer for the Cancer Education Center and a hematologist, who was a former volleyball player who had been affected by Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. We also met the head nurse of the chemo suite, who explained about how they are able to manage so many patient treatments and answered our questions. We were fortunate to hear about the Mayo Clinic and what it does for so many people, and we were happy to learn more about it.