Week 1!

This week has flown by and I still can't really believe that I'll be biking all the way to California. These past 7 days we have changed states everyday, but soon that won't be the case. Out west we will definitely be in states longer (We're in SD and WY for over a week each).Of all the places we have been this week, NYC is the only one I've been to previously. The East is quite beautiful and is making me think twice about wanting to live back in Illinois. The traffic is definitely different than anything we have trained in, and the narrow roads that wind up hills were surprising (and nerve-racking). When we get to the Appalachians next week, these hills will seem like nothing, but right now they are pretty monstrous.I have been able to shower 4 times this week which is fantastic and more than I thought I would be able to! 

Love from a bike,
