It's for Cancer!

My friends are probably ready to smack me every time they hear the phrase "It's for cancer!" With all the super successful events we've had lately, everyone who has heard me speak in the last few weeks must have heard this phrase at least once. Between the super successful date auction run mostly by Jaime and Ashley (Way to go Kristen, going for $100!!), the team's favorite night ever with the 24 hours of cycling (which included everything from learning Alex Massey is ridiculously photogenic to watching Bradford completely beast the rollers to multiple rounds of singing Mr. Jones), the upcoming underwear mile (where Buddy the Elf will be making an appearance!), to setting up the stayover for the ride where will be doing 120 miles in one weekend (team, get pumped!), to listening to Connor Ramsey sing in pure excitement during the first training ride that was long enough to feel like a real I4K ride, to trying to convince ALL of my guy friends to shave their heads, to basically every conservation that I have every single day.On a slightly more serious note, Saturday was our alumni ride, which was a lot of fun! Actually, it kind of sucked, because it rained the entire day, the entire team was cold and soaked down to the bone, and we probably owe Allen Hall a lot of newspaper from using all of it to try to dry our belongings out. Other than that, the ride was a lot of fun! I chatted for awhile with Cristian (I think, I'm awful with names!). He asked what I was most excited for, and I told him that I'm super pumped for Portraits, because I think it's going to make a really amazing impact. When I asked what his favorite part was, he said that my choice of portraits kind of reminded him that it's not just a bunch of kids riding across the country. It's for cancer. He told me a story about a little kid that he met, who was a complete inspiration to the team in his determination to have no fear about his battle with cancer. Cristian said that meeting the little boy was one of his favorite things about the ride. Stories like that are the stories that have me the most excited to leave New York in 38 days (38 days?!). Stories like this are also the kind of stories that have led me to the conclusion that I almost definitely want to use my double major of Psych and Bio to fight cancer to the best of my ability, either through research or as an oncologist. After all, it's for cancer. Peace, love, and tailwinds,Tory