Gone to Look for America

It has been quite awhile since I have last blogged, I like to think that I was taking a bit of a hiatus from technology, as I have not been on the internet for more than 10 minutes since Chicago. It felt great to fall off the grid for awhile and I would recommend those of you who have the capability to do the same. We have covered many miles since Chicago, and unbelievably, we are already in West Yellowstone, Montana, the Mosquito Capital of the US. The past few weeks have brought with them the lowest lows and highest highs of the entire trip for me. After leaving Chicago we rolled strongly through Wisconsin, Minnesota and the eastern half of South Dakota. These states were filled with excitement of being past the point of no return, really traveling out west. Wisconsin felt familiar, and Minnesota was very welcoming. It wasn't until approaching the Badlands that we began to see a true change in landscape as the rolling hills grew gradually in size. My knees began hurting for the first time on the trip and my nerves about the Rockys almost got the best of me. After conquering the Bighorn Mountains, which I was especially nervous about hearing that we would be climbing for more than 30 miles, I have regained my confidence and feel ready to take on anything. It is with this attitude that I rolled through Yellowstone and plan to conquer the remainder of the trip with.This trip has become much more about the journey than the destination for me. This experience has been more amazing than I had ever dreamed it would be and so far all of my most favorite moments are the unexpected ones. One town that I will never forget is that of Fairmont, Minnesota from now on known as the black hole of the Midwest. Our group decided to take an extended lunch break in Fairmont that included taking a nap on the sidewalk in front of subway, meeting a breast cancer survivor, eating free ice cream, visiting a prairie dog exhibit, and most importantly, staring as an extra with Divya in the local soap opera As the Corn Grows. Some other great moments from the past weeks include, being invited to roll along in a parade, learning rattlesnake safety and fortunately not having to put it to use in the Badlands, spending the entire day visiting almost every single shop and Dino Park in downtown Rapid City, seeing Mt. Rushmore, The Black Hills, Bighorns, and Yellowstone National Park for the first time, Seeing my first moose on the side of the road, floating down a natural lazy river, stuffing five people into a tent while camping, and so many more.Until next time, I have gone to look for America.