Survived the heat

Today I fell asleep in front of a CVS on the sidewalk with a gatorade bottle on my cheek. A deep sleep too, like I didn't wake up the first time people said my name. Maybe it was because we woke up earlier than usual today, and it was brutally hot out! I think it was in the 90s the entire day. We rode 84 miles to Greenwood, IN. I rode with Linsey, Rachel, Josh, Christine, Taylor, and Ivy. Linsey and I made up two more verses to our song.This morning was a perfect start to the day. We rode over to a bike shop called Cycling and Fitness Warehouse where they provided an Ihop breakfast! The mechanic fixed my bike since the housing was broken, thankfully! I really didn't want to sag in the van. Also, it is Lauren's birthday today and all the girls gave her a bike horn as a gift. Then she did her mosher which was playing "Chicken on the Roof". Lins and I got out third to last. It was definitely an energy boost that early in the morning!Along Route 40 we stopped at a huge yard sale. The people there were so nice to us! One lady gave us free peaches from North Carolina. Another woman gave us ice water which was greatly appreciated because our water warmed up quickly today. We also all bought "gifts" for the white elephant exchange we are going to have. It should be funny to see what everyone came up with!Linsey and I have ridden every day together since the ride started. I couldn't imagine this trip without her!Tonight we are staying at Dan Bartholomew's house. Man is it nice! I took a wonderful shower and am currently sitting with some of my teammates watching a movie. There is a crazy storm going on outside with lightning streaking the sky! It is nice to be in such a homey place right now. It is just what I needed! It is crazy that on Monday we will already be in Champaign and then a few days later Chicago! I am amazed at how far we have all come. I feel like after Chicago it will feel like a whole new trip, but who knows. There is so much yet to happen and see!Today it hit me all over again how amazing this trip is. I am so blessed! The Illini 4000 has brought so many good people into my life and it is such an honor to be a part of this organization. Well there is a line for the computer so until next time! Peace, love, and bikes.and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!