South Dakota

We just reached Murdo, South Dakota today and it is a booming town with a population of 679 people.  The ride into Murdo had its ups and downs.  The first thirty miles went by pretty fast for me.  We rode on the interstate for the first time which was pretty cool.  The scenery on the west side of the Missouri River was awesome.  The twenty miles in the middle were pretty rough though for me and apparently for the rest of the team.  It ended with an hour and a half nap in front of a resturaunt that the whole team took part in.  The last twenty five miles were pretty good again.  I guess the nap was pretty significant.  South Dakota is a beautiful state with grass fields that go on for miles.  And that is it.  There is a gas station about every twenty miles and a small town of under 1000.  Tomorrow we are going to Wall, South Dakota which is supposed to be a big tourist attraction because of Wall Drug.