June 21 South Dakota

Hello South Dakota! We left Sioux Falls on a gray, gloomy day. Gedion had the Mosher for the day, and for his Mosher he took the team to Sioux Falls. The falls were beautiful, and the whole team had a blast. After departing the city named from the waterfalls, we continued on our way to Mitchell, SD. 60 degrees and drizzling all day. The route today was not complicated; basically, we rode on the same road for over 50 miles, which gave everyone a bunch of free time to chat. We came to Worthington, SD for our lunch stop. Fortunately, we found a local store to have lunch. Cold and wet, we hovered around a sidewalk and dined on PB&J and leftover fried chicken. After lunch a local newspaper, the Worthington Tribune, interviewed us and took our picture. It was a tougher day, for sure. We had some intense headwinds, and many groups had flat tires and minor crashes. It was a long 72 miles. But once we got to the stay over (a school for once) and showered, we were revived. Some people explored the town, and others ran around in the gym for hours like little kids.