June 2 Off to Columbus!

This morning we said goodbye to Pastor Mark Ballmer and the Westwood Baptist Chruch in Cadiz, Ohio with mouths full of made-to-order omelettes, fruit and yogurt. What more could we have asked for? Before pedaling from the parking lot we topped off our stay with a make-shift sumo fight. Sleeping bags stuffed in our jerseys, and arms flailing, there is no better way to settle a dispute.Soaring through the roads of Ohio, team "push-it"(the fastest riders) turned into team "pull-it,"(anti push-it) signaling our farwell to rolling hills for the time being. A wonderful rest stop at an ice cream parlor transformed a realaxed 54 mile day into pure bliss. Moose tracks, vanilla, mint, truffle, peanut butter and carmel with a hint of chain grease from our hands gave us just enough energy to work hard until time to eat PB & Js. Unlike other days, we were entitled to one snack. As Katie struggled to open her bag of peanuts, they spilled all over the pavement. Following the "five-minute rule" Yang and Christian, using both hands, picked and ate peanuts off the ground.By the time we reached the lunch stop, we were so excited that the day's destination was only 10 miles away, that we barely made time to sit and eat. As a result of all our excitement, we arrived earlier that ever before. All riders were in by 2:30! Some riders took naps, some went to the movies, others visited Ohio State University. Returning from all our activities, we filled our bellies with two generous cupcakes each.