Research Tour...and more!

Research TourLast week Tuesday, the Illini 4000 had the opportunity to speak with a researcher at the University of Illinois. Dr. Brendan Harley, a two-time cancer survivor, is currently receiving a grant from the American Cancer Society to conduct cancer-related research.After learning a bit more about Illini 4000, Dr. Harley spoke about his own cancer experience and its influence on his career decisions. Later, Dr. Harley gave an overview presentation about his current research project and gave us a peek inside his lab.Dr. Harley has led his research group in creating a new micro-environment which allows his team to test different factors on the growth, differentiation, and changes of  HSC (Hematopoietic Stem Cell) from bone marrow. This new technique will open doors to testing a multitude of different factors on how cancer cells begin developing in the first place.We are thankful to Dr. Harley not only for taking time out of his day to speak with us, but for his passion to advance cancer treatments.Special thanks to Juli Richards, Regional Vice President to the ACS Illinois Division, for her assistance in setting up the visit and for providing refreshments.Benefit ShowOn Friday of last week, I4K hosted a benefit show at Caffe Paradiso, with performances by Arcade Across the Room, Zach May, and The Leadership. The sizeable crowd, including some I4K alumni, was also able to see a portion of the Portraits Project pieces that were on display in April during our event at the Independent Media Center in Urbana.Team OvernightThe 2011 team has been training diligently all year, increasing mileage with each new training ride. This past weekend, the team completed the largest distance to date as a group. On Saturday, the team faced brutal headwinds on their way out to Indiana hills, and then turned around to end at Kickapoo Park - a trip totaling 90 miles. The team got a taste of a real day on the road, complete with rest stops and a peanut butter & jelly lunch. After a night of camping, the team woke up and biked around 30 miles back to Urbana.CU Bike to Work DayTuesday, May 3 was Champaign-Urbana Bike to Work Day. People throughout the CU area were encouraged to bike to work or school to support sustainable transportation and biking. Bike stations were set up throughout CU and contained food maps, reflectors, t-shirts and other participant-swag. Members of the Illini 4000 took time out of their morning to volunteer at the Urbana Middle School/Urbana High School bike station.Please be sure to check our gallery in upcoming days for photos from these recent events!