Parked car on Parker Street?!

From NY to NJ checking in! Today was the first official ride day and it was so much fun. We woke up early (530ish) and were out the door/on bikes at seven. Within that time I lost/forgot my watch somewhere, packed my bag, ate, and did a whole bunch of other stuff. The ride started out in central park - my group had a tire dipping ceremony and a few were there to send us off. I rode with Christian, young, kels, lins, Lauren, and jan. Jan saved my life three times - helped me from falling: no falls! The ride was a lot of fun - some hills, some city traffic, an amazing bridge, and of course the jokes that came about. There were some lows - lins and Christian got flats but that did not bring our spirits down. I was picked up again and again by kels - grate right! And parked car on Parker. Lins kept me on my toes by trying to take second (in the order/line of riders) from me. There was rain - but no worries I was dressed appropriately! Also jan carried some of my stuff so we got to play catch phrase during a few of our breaks. Once we arrived we were treated like royalty our host was so so kind. We stayed with the thakars, parents of an alumn from the first ride. They are amazing people and truly inspired me by their words and hospitality. It takes a lot to open your house to 28 dirty smelly tired riders. I was able to sink wash then drier my clothes, shower, and be feed a home cooked meal. At one point I was really moved and just turned to hug someone - it turned out to be momma g haha. After that we had a team meeting followed by free time aka get ready and go to bed. Now I'm in the basement surrounded by some and were using our ultra cool headlamps. Also a fashion statement: fanny packs. It makes me wish I brought my cap sack but atlas no room in my bag. Speaking of my bag I need to find a way to pack it like a system yanno? I'm sure it'll come in time (like the name of my bike). All in all today was good and tomorrow shall be good too!Mom n dad sorry I haven't called I will sometime soon - comment here so I know you're reading this!Aunty deb - I saw your posts and thanks! But I have no time to call so you just get this shout out.Anyone else reading - comment comment comment! I lie hearing feedback probably more than you love reading this haha. And parents of other riders- I tell your kids your messages and no worries they are having fun! Sincerely,El