I get knocked down, I get up again!

Well, today I made it to Philly in one piece, despite taking a tumble about a mile from the stayover! It was quite a hectic street-Baltimore to be exact- but we were on a bike path. However, there was a van parked in the way of the path so we had to ride around it. Unfortunately, there were trolley tracks in the road and we all had to cross them in order to get around the van. Needless to say, as I was making my way over the trolley tracks I got caught in the divot and flew off my bike into the street. It was quite the scene I can imagine. I landed on my right hip/side and scraped up both elbows, my hip, my knee, and my hands. I was in tears from the shock of it all but not from pain. i'll be fine, I just know I'll be sore from the impact of hitting the pavement. But like the song my family listens to every New Year's Eve goes, "I get knocked down, I get back up again! And you're never gonna keep me down!" Great song, and true. It's only the 2nd day of the journey and I would be silly to let it get me down. :) Plus I bet it was pretty funny to see me face plant. My good pal Ellie also fell and hurt her knee pretty bad :/ She was a champ though!!! Thankfully, Conor Canaday was there to help us bandage up our cuts. Thanks Conor!! And Katie helped me put peroxide on them I love her :)Since that was the most fresh in my mind, I had to write about it but so much has happened since the start of the ride! I'll start by saying that my mom and I were both in tears at the train station saying goodbye to each other. Love you mom! But once I was on the train the excitement started to kick in. I sat with Linsey (basically my other half ). The train ride was not bad at all, it was actually pretty fun. We kind of just chilled then went to sleep and the next day we all played Catch Phrase which got a few laughs from the fellow train riders. And finally at around 6:30 we arrived in NYC! After the team meeting where we were assigned chore partners (Hey Greg Bopp it!), we all set off to explore the city.Times Square was amazing! Both Saturday and Sunday night it was packed even at 2 am. I loved walking around the city nand seeing all of the lights and people. Well, looking for some fun as always, Sean, Linsey, and I went to a comedy show at HA! spontaneously. You're only in New York once! (maybe)  it was hilarious! The crowd was full of tourists from around the world from Norway to New Jersey. After the show we hit the hay ready for another full day in New York!We set our alarms for 6 am but as soon as they went off Manny and I hit the snooze and slept for another hour (figures). BUT thanks to Sean who came and woke us up we went on a great ride around NYC and saw the statue of liberty, the Irish hunger memorial, and what is left of ground zero. We also saw a memorial sign for the firemen and police who died on 9/11. It was heart wrenching to say the least. Overall the ride with Linsey, Taylor, Sean, and Manny was so much fun!We got back and attended the end of mass at the church we were staying at, Church of St. Paul the Apostle. Divya spoke to the congregation about the Illini 4000. She did great on the spot! Then the church graciously provided a brunch where we got to meet some wonderful people. I met a woman named Rita V. who was so caring and fun to talk to. She told us a little bit about her experience with melanoma, but mostly we talked about other things. I also talked with Kathy and her husband who worked for church about the organization and New York in general. Then Linsey and I talked with 2 of the volunteers at the brunch and they told us awesome stuff about the church! such as Regis and Kelly go there and Sex and the City and GLEE!! has held their cast there before. So cool. After the brunch, a few of us walked through central park and went to Rockefeller plaza. That night we had a team meeting and then went to bed to prepare for our first ride!!!I will post about the ride to Hillsborough, New Jersey and to Philadelphia in my next blog since this one is so long!I would also like to post a shout-out to my family and friends! Thanks for your support. I love you!!Also, one day I must buy a mansion in Pennsylvania- it is the prettiest state ever!2nd day down, 67 more to go!! The adventure has just begun. :)